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So I had sleeve in Dec 2016 but had a complication (stomach stricture as doctor cut the sleeve too thin on the bottom and it twisted.) So after three years and two repairs the stricture came back so the only way to get rid of it for good was to remove it and convert me to a bypass in June 2019. So I had gone from 289 to 165 with the sleeve and then 165 to 138 with the bypass! After the extreme weight loss the pandemic hit and I started gaining due to severe insulin resistance and T2 diabetes. So my weight loss doctor put me on Trulicity (I had actually been in stage 3 clinical trial of that drug back in 2009 to 2011 before it had a name and had lost 60 lbs on it then gained it back once clinical trial was over!). I started Trulicity in Sept 2021 at 204 lbs and by Nov 2022 I was at 150 lbs! That month Trulicity became unavailable so my doctor put me on Mounjaro and that is where I am today, 10 mg. I stay between 148 and 153 lbs, am 5'8"! These shots keep the insulin resistance in check, A1C normal and all my weight off!! But these, shots will be life long maintenance! The clinical trial proved to me without the help if the shot I will gain weight back in my sleep!!

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Replies to "So I had sleeve in Dec 2016 but had a complication (stomach stricture as doctor cut..."

WOW! I never imagined the potential of my sleeve twisting. Good to know. You look great, Congratulations on your 150 lb loss. You look familiar, I might have read several of your posts 2019-2021 on bariactricpal when I was pre and post op. I remember also losing 60 in pre op phase with help from an older GLP-1 Victoza, on it for 6 months. I went from 380 to 300 got sleeved Dec 2019 got down to 208 then back to 233-240 fo the last year and a half. Going on day 5 , down 4.8. Thank you for your reply. Best wishes😊