Erosive osteoarthritis pain but can't take NSAIDS

Posted by chris7121 @chris7121, Jul 1, 2023

I have erosive osteoarthritis and because of a heart attack, I'm on a blood thinner and not allowed to take anti inflammatories /NSAIDS. Tylenol no longer helps. Any suggestions for alternative sources of pain relief are most welcome!

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Sounds like a lot of work ... CBD is available online from several sources. Mine come from It comes in oil form, cream and tincture. Be sure to get something with at least 500MG strength.

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Not a lot of work. Needed: a jar, oil, MJ leaves and some time to blend. Works well. No purchase needed, so very economical.


Not a lot of work. Needed: a jar, oil, MJ leaves and some time to blend. Works well. No purchase needed, so very economical.

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Where did you find MJ leaves?


One of my most awesome tools is a paraffin hand bath. Mine is the original Homedics model from eons ago, but many types are still available. I keep mine plugged in and covered on the counter in my second bathroom.

Here is how I use it for maximum effect:
Heat my microwaveable heating pad and wrap it in a heavy towel.
Wash and dry my hands thoroughly & remove jewelry.
Paraffin my hands and wrists (I use 4-7 dips, until the heat starts to penetrate) & slip them into plastic bags.
Put my hands on the hot pad, inside the towel, and watch a movie or video for 15-20 minutes.
When the paraffin begins to cool, I peel it off my hands, roll it up, and use it to do some squeezing exercises.
Massage a soothing cream into my now-softened skin.

Caution - do not put the paraffin back and reuse it - even if you are the only one using the spa. It can become a breeding ground for very nasty bacteria.

Sometimes, especially in bad weather, I will get up in the middle of the night and do this if my hands are really bad. It also works on my arthritic elbow, and I have even used it on my feet at times!


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I am just curious if you know what is causing your pain?


I am just curious if you know what is causing your pain?

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Long term severe osteoarthritis as well as the remnants of serious hand and wrist injuries many years ago. But it works well for my daughter's RA too.


Where did you find MJ leaves?

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A friend brought me seeds. I planted them. It grew!! Lots of leaves. Also put leaves in my cooking. It works!!!


For a rub in I use Oragel which was recommended by the Chiropractor. I rub it in once a day on my lumbar spine, legs, knees. it lasts all day. I find it great and maybe could help someone else.

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In reply to @maxine50 "wow!" + (show)

Toothache gel for pain works for other pains??? Tell me more.


I had cortisone shots for 5 years before getting surgery. I could go 8 months without pain on that.


FOR: chris7121 @chris7121, Jul 1 5:02pm --
I have the same problem AND after trying all the things the doc said, I have
decided to try collagen. I have read some good things about it rebuilding the cartilage and bones. It seems to be something natural instead of pills. Seems like nothing to lose by trying, at least it may not be corrosive.


I go to a pain clinic. Right now, Percoset works at night, but I do stretches and use a cool pack for my neck, heat pack for my knee area. They have other options as well. I got a medical card for marijuana, which my friends have found helpful. Sativa is for daytime, Indica for nighttime. If you get 1:1 (THC & CBD) and take 5mg to start, you might find nighttime relief. A good quality CBD without the THC (psycho active portion) might do the trick during the day: my friends take about 20mg---but you want to be home with someone when you try. It does take time to figure it out; no professional dosing is out there so far. Spray magnesium, a good CBD cream, or Potters House Apothecary topical pain cream (ketophen, etc by RX) are good, too. For periodic aches (toes!), I use KT tape and directions are readily available on you tube.

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