jacksaunders, completely agree with your advise to billmoskowits. My urologist wanted to do biopsies via rectal as I have heart failure and was concerned about my heart. I think it is just easier as is done in office versus hospital. I disagreed with doing that way telling him have had multiple surgeries since heart failure and my cariologist has no problem with me having general anesthesia. I asked him to check with my cardiologist as I did not want to have rectal only if absoluelty needed.
I was also told there was 2% chance of serious infection if done rectally and virtually none if tranperinial. I did not like the comment to me: "oh even if you get the infection you would only have to stay 2 days in hospital." My cardiologist confirmed to uroliogist general anesthisia okay and I had it done that way.
I say all this as each of us needs to be proactive and speak up. If you question something question it. Seek second opinions, seek more advice. As you can see the easy way for your urologist was not good for you. So your advise of having it done transpeinal and under general anesthesia is what I would have said too.
The anethesist I had was same one I had for a recent colonoscopy and knew me. He said you won't have a problem but I will be monitoring you.
For the Space/Oar and markers I had it done transperinial at UFPTI. It was done with lanicane and laughing gas. Was more of just uncomfortable than painful. They have your legs wide apart and up.
I would like to know from others how they got their Space/Oar and markers done.
My biopsy was via TP procedure. Markers placed but the Space/OAR gel placement failed which delayed my proton treatment. Eventually got my proton treatment without the Space/OAR gel.