Addison's Disease: Tired of being tired

Posted by spice @spice, Nov 26, 2017

I have had addisons disease for 5 years treated with prednisone I can not taper to the 5 mg and have been on 40 mg for three years also contracted lymes 6 years ago salmonella 10 years ago I know I am gradually slowing down but took the flu shot a month ago and I have absolutely no energy now and everything is just sore and achy. Tylenol helps some to push through and exercise helps to when I can. involved with agriculture so chores always have to be done but some days its a chore. I blame the flu shot for now but there are so many factors to consider. The prednisone has me pre diabetic. Thoughts would be appreciated.

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I’ve had Addison’s since 1979. I am taking hydrocortisone, 10 mg morning, plus 5 at lunch and 5 at supper. I also take fludrocortisone 0.5 mg every other day. This seems to work for me. I have a fairly good energy level for being 76 and used to work 50 hour weeks when I was still working. I only need to see my endochronologist once a year. I definitely need extra cortisone when I am sick. Hope this is helpful.

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Hi, @judy5140 -- wanted to touch base and see how things are going with your Addison's?

You'd mentioned having a fairly good energy level for being 76 years old. Wondering if you'd have any tips for keeping your energy level up?


3 different endocrinologists and my primary has also been involved with the treatment. Do you know of any other treatments for addisons besides prednisone. Hydrocortisone makes me violently ill. but the way to treat the disease seems to be cut and dried for me it is putting a square peg in a round hole. Its the replacement of corticoscal streroids (sp) but I have read of fleurocostal again (sp) that I may suggest. My first concern for now is with all the these things that could effect my immune system is there a possibility the lymes is causing problems or has the cortisone taken me down further? The steroids had caused a weight gain up to 250 a dietary change and I am down to 190 plus dropping all my diabetic numbers/indicators. Sometimes it is just hard to stay positive and work hard to achieve most people take for granted.

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I was diagnosed with Addison's Disease this spring when I had a side effect to Keytruda, the immunotherapy drug to treat triple negative breast cancer. It attacked my adrenal glands so they no longer work. To maintain, I take 10mg Hydrocortisone in the morning and 5 mg in the afternoon. I am constantly fatigued, sore and achy. I feel like I am 100 years old most of the time and I used to be very active teaching 3 spin classes a week, walking, working out with weights, etc. I see that you did Hydrocortisone makes you violently ill, but maybe you can try again and take it with certain foods? I seem to do well when I eat yogurt and berries for breakfast and then take my pills. I only feel nauseated some of the time and that's when I don't eat yogurt for breakfast. Wondering how others cope with the fatigue and sore joints/muscles.


I was recently diagnosed with Addison's Disease and was on Prednisone until I tapered down to .5 mg. I immediately started on 10 mg in the morning and 5mg in the afternoon of Hydrocortisone. I too am constantly fatigued and tired/achy/sore joints. Before this, I was very active teaching spin classes, working out with weights and just on the go constantly. Now I feel "old". Maybe Hydrocortisone will work for you? I don't have diabetes, I developed Addison's Disease when my adrenal glands were attacked by Ketrude, my cancer fighting drug (triple negative breast cancer) . Any tips for helping feel more energetic and less achy?

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