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Also @nazleer
Trial and error is the key for me as well. Since I have only one partly functional kidney along with diabetes and gastroparesis with conflicting food recommendations and no-nos for each diagnosis, I have had to get creative with menu planning. Also have to adjust that according to whether in "gastroflare" or if blood sugars are too high or too low without going over recommended renal limits for someone with kidney failure! Since my gastroparesis constipates me instead of the opposite problem, I take senna tablets and docusate sodium daily and add generic Miralax three times a week. Right now I am tolerating well the fiber in Brussels sprouts a couple of times a week and broccoli a couple of times a week even though these are foods many say people with GP should avoid. I also have diverticulosis, as most older people do, but so far not diverticulitis. . . yet. So, yes, trial and error because what is ok on Monday might not be ok on Tuesday, etc. It's a daily crap shoot, sorry for the bad pun.

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Replies to "Also @nazleer Trial and error is the key for me as well. Since I have only..."

@kamama94 good to hear from you. I loved the pun! But Lord have mercy, with His help we carry on!