One of my most awesome tools is a paraffin hand bath. Mine is the original Homedics model from eons ago, but many types are still available. I keep mine plugged in and covered on the counter in my second bathroom.
Here is how I use it for maximum effect:
Heat my microwaveable heating pad and wrap it in a heavy towel.
Wash and dry my hands thoroughly & remove jewelry.
Paraffin my hands and wrists (I use 4-7 dips, until the heat starts to penetrate) & slip them into plastic bags.
Put my hands on the hot pad, inside the towel, and watch a movie or video for 15-20 minutes.
When the paraffin begins to cool, I peel it off my hands, roll it up, and use it to do some squeezing exercises.
Massage a soothing cream into my now-softened skin.
Caution - do not put the paraffin back and reuse it - even if you are the only one using the spa. It can become a breeding ground for very nasty bacteria.
Sometimes, especially in bad weather, I will get up in the middle of the night and do this if my hands are really bad. It also works on my arthritic elbow, and I have even used it on my feet at times!
I am just curious if you know what is causing your pain?