Need to gain weight

Posted by hawkssr @hawkssr, Aug 7, 2023

For the past 3 years I have been losing weight. At 5’7” I’ve been at 134 for several years and then for some reason started losing weight. Have gone through 3 docs and several labs but nothing unusual. I’ve been at 112 for several months now and just recently dropped to 110 lbs. I eat all day long including after I go to bed. I try to eat healthy since I have high cholesterol. I’m not kidding when I say I probably eat every hour along with my main meals of lunch and dinner. Protein bars, peanut butter, dairy (I’m lactose intolerant so take supplement which helps a lot). I’m on low income so any suggestions will need to be inexpensive. Any ideas on how to get my weight back? Thank you! I’m in the USA 🇺🇸 Also I’m 77 yrs and walk everyday.

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Hi Hawkssr,

Sorry to hear that you're struggling to gain or maintain weight. As others have said, it would be wise to speak to a doctor if you have not already, since unexplained weight loss could be a symptom of a host of issues.

Also recommend to try to maintain any activity that you are already such as your daily walk. Muscle sarcopenia has one of the strongest correlations to premature death in the elderly, so let's try to stave that off as long as possible.

To increase your intake of readily digestable calories, consider adding MCT oils to your diet either through by adding a little to meals that you are already eating (goes well enough with coffee) or by making homemade shakes. Medium chain triglycerides (MCTs) are a special kind of fat that goes directly to the portal vein and from there to the liver without going through the normal fat absorption and digestion process, and I can buy a big bottle at my local Costco for $20, and it lasts me at least a month. 11g (less than a teaspoon) has 100 calories, so a little bit a few times a day could add up. Note that if you add to much to your diet right away you may get diarrhea because your body is unused to processing so much at once, recommend starting with one light teaspoon a day and increasing your "dose" every few days if you have no ill side-effects. Good luck.

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in reply to @gboi Thank you. I lift weights everyday so as not to lose muscle mass, and this has made a huge difference. I have a wellness visit coming up at the end of the month and will discuss with my doctor the product you described. Lately I have not been able to eat much of anything, or rather, everything goes right through me. I have 2 specialists telling me I need an endoscopy and colonoscopy, yet the gastro doctor does not think a colonoscopy is in order. Needless to say, I will go with the advice of the other two specialists in an effort to find out if there is something going on inside. I am also being referred to a new gastro doctor because I filed a complaint against the current one last year because of his unprofessional behavior. Not to mention the number of complaints I found on the California Medical Board website. Last year when I was in the ER, the ER doctor told me in confidence, "if I were you, I would never let that doctor touch you again." Go figure.


I would recommend a resting metabolism rate test. They can cost south of $100 from a wellness center or more than that from a doctor. You can research it on the internet. Then add up the calories you consume in a typical day and subtract the calories you burn by exercising and see if you are meeting or exceeding your RMR. That should help you figure out the number of calories you need to eat either maintain or gain weight.


in reply to @gboi Thank you. I lift weights everyday so as not to lose muscle mass, and this has made a huge difference. I have a wellness visit coming up at the end of the month and will discuss with my doctor the product you described. Lately I have not been able to eat much of anything, or rather, everything goes right through me. I have 2 specialists telling me I need an endoscopy and colonoscopy, yet the gastro doctor does not think a colonoscopy is in order. Needless to say, I will go with the advice of the other two specialists in an effort to find out if there is something going on inside. I am also being referred to a new gastro doctor because I filed a complaint against the current one last year because of his unprofessional behavior. Not to mention the number of complaints I found on the California Medical Board website. Last year when I was in the ER, the ER doctor told me in confidence, "if I were you, I would never let that doctor touch you again." Go figure.

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Yes, I agree that getting a new gastroenterologist is a good idea.


in reply to @scolio Thank you. Yes, a new gastro doctor is certainly in order. For what it is worth I attended the washroom 12 times the other day, and it was exhausting to say the least. The doctor suggested I take imodium daily, which I do not want to do, nor do I want to take Bentyl every 4 hours because it will make me so sleepy. All of this will only create another problem, one I do not want to endure.
Last year my doctor made a referral to another gastro doctor affiliated with my health plan, Sutter. They refused to see me out of a "conflict of interest" whatever that means.


Have your doctor run fecal tests for pancreas like elastase its responsible for breaking fats, proteins and carbs down for digestion without it food goes right through without being fully digesting resulting in weight loss. Best of luck I hope you find answers!


Keep searching for good gastroenterologists and dont give up. I have seen 5 this year and they all had different ideas on what to look for I was able to get a full set of tests to rule out all functional issues with my organs. Blood and fecal tests are fairly cheap but can reveal a lot.


in reply to @missingthebeach Thank you, The test has been ran, and the results were normal, I sent the doctor a note earlier today inquiring about the "normal" results, and asking if some additional tests can be done for me. I understand there are other tests available to check for pancreatic diseases, and that a normal elastase test is not abnormal. I remain hopeful that having another gastro doctor treat me may lead to some more informative answers. But I have to admit, I am getting awfully tired of all these tests, yet not getting any concrete answers after more than 3 years and a 40 pound weight loss. On the other hand, the iron infusions have kicked in and I have more energy now than I have had in a long time, and today I felt like Wonder Woman. Having said this, I am anxious and unnerved about the lack of "care" that I am receiving from the majority of my clinicians. The social worker from Sutter called me the other day and told me that, "yes, a lot has changed at Sutter, not for the good, and she does not see any positive changes on the horizon." Oh well.


My weight loss is similar to yours. I was diagnosed with anorexia with unintended weight loss and was down to 115 literally skin and bones. My body was not taking in nutrients even though I ate all day. I had my feed tube put back in 45 days ago and we adjusted my anti depressant and added olanzapine for Nausea. The side effects for the olanzapine is weight gain, increased hunger and thirst and help sleeping I’ve gained 25 lbs in 33 days and I’m also able to eat things I haven’t ate since my surgery in Dec. 2023.
Maybe something to check into I know how hard eating problems are. Hope you find what you need . Prayers and Gods blessings for you


Hi there @hawkssr . I hope you find a solution to your weight loss. I'm sure that must be frustrating to eat every hour and still lose weight. I don't know what to suggest in terms of diet (I'm trying to figure that one out myself - I'm also underweight), but you may want to get tested for Hashimoto's. I assume you've probably already had your thyroid hormones tested and gotten normal results, but if you haven't already, you might want to get your TPO and TG antibodies tested, since those could explain hyperthyroid symptoms like weight loss even if things like TSH, T3, and T4 are all normal.

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Yes thyroid has been tested and normal but I do take medication for it.


Hi Hawkssr,
I'm sorry about your weight loss! I'm also 77 and have a weight loss problem. However, mine is due to incontinence. Your problem sounds really difficult. Perhaps you should quit walking every day. Many people who weigh too much often sit on the couch and watch TV or get on the computer a lot. As far as an inexpensive diet to gain weight I would suggest making beans from scratch. Buy some white beans or any kind you like. Soak them overnight and then rinse them and cook them in water until they are done. They are great with butter and salt and pepper or you can add tomato sauce, brown sugar, onions etc. You can find the recipes on Betty Crocker at Beans are a great source of protein and high in calories. Also make split pea soup from scratch. You can get that recipe from Betty Crocker too. Split peas are very cheap as are beans. Split peas are also a good source of potassium and high in calories. Keep in mind you can make split pea soup without adding ham as most recipes suggest. Corn and peas have a lot of calories too. Have you tried looking up a calorie counter online and eating only the highest calorie count foods that are inexpensive? Noodle dishes are also high in calories such as macaroni and cheese and spaghetti. Make your own. Don't buy the mixes. They are full of junk that won't help your problem.
Good luck!

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Thank you, yes I eat a lot of pasta, just incorporated a 1000 calorie ice cream shake. Been a week since I added that but still nada 🤷🏼‍♀️

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