How are you guys getting Staged for your prostate cancer?

Posted by fuzzy123 @fuzzy123, Jul 27, 2023

I have never been given a stage for my prostate cancer. I have looked online and staged myself. But no doctor has ever staged my cancer. So how do many of you know your exact stage ???

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On Xtandi and Xgeva and Zolodex feel great at 78 Nuked on 2017 L1 in 2020 pSA 1.7 Pray often

Enjoy life Stage 4 is just a number control like diabetics Stay positive


I was 'staged' after my prostate was removed and went through pathology. The original biopsy had not found a larger tumor that had broken through the prostate capsule. Luckily, my margins, lymph nodes and vesicles were all clear. Since the tumor had broken through and was more aggressive than the cells found in the biopsy, I was given a Stage 3 diagnosis. My first post surgical PSA registered less than .05% so I may have gotten really lucky!


I just had the surgery 8 days ago to take my prostate out and two lymph nodes. Worst 8 days of my life. If they got it all or if I keep taking Lupron and some radiation, ain't never going to do any poison Chemo. I pray it gets better but know the ride is just starting for me. God Bless you both


I was just told last week I have stage 4a metastatic prostate cancer. No cure hope, and a 50% chance of living 5 years. I’m already one year in so that means less than 4 years to live!! And I don’t count the last 6 mos to a year because that’s not living , that’s dieing !!!

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Just remember we all started dying the day we were born. Live life as every day is your last.

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