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Healthy diets for cancer patients

Cancer: Managing Symptoms | Last Active: Apr 12 10:44am | Replies (32)

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At the Mayo Clinic conference on Healthy Lifestyles last year, a topic of discussion and area of interest for cancer diets was the Alkaline Diet. It might be advantageous to research the positive evidence of this in addition to the myths that have been shared.

Sugar is pro-inflammatory to the body, which is one factor (of many) leading to chronic disease and cancer. Sugar may not "feed" cancer but it certainly does not promote healing. The conference also often discussed the Mediterranean Diet as one of the best health promoting diets, which goes along with my research and experience. Basically, whole and fresh foods, no refined or processed foods, lower in saturated fat (animal products), high in plant based foods with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables. Reducing stress and getting plenty of good quality sleep is of high importance as well. I wish you all the best 🙂

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Replies to "At the Mayo Clinic conference on Healthy Lifestyles last year, a topic of discussion and area..."

Hi Katem, I am certainly going to research the Alkaline diet, I never heard of that before. I am not a meat eater, very seldom and than it is very small. I love seafood, but don't over-do anything. I sleep around 8-9 hours a night, I am trying to do everything right, since cancer you get very careful in everything you do. Iam doing great, in remission close to a year, want to keep it that way. Will get together again when I do the alkaline thing. Lacey