Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?
I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:
"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."
"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."
"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."
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This too shall pass. JOB on thr Bible
"No matter how bad one's day can ever be, it's still better than having no day at all". I truly appreciate my team at Mayo for giving me another day.
...oh dear that was a rude reply, but maybe it's the way you worded that statement initiated the ticket comment? sometimes emails and comments get misinterpreted as to our actual intended meaning.... J.
Well, perhaps I misstook his/her telling me to buy a ticket. I took that to mean get the heck out of this country. I would if I could. Too many years on this Lady to move to a new country, perhaps. Having said that I am checking out living in Costa Rica. Beautiful tropical country, stable and inexpensive to live there. Un American? My choice and my life with my husband. The corruption I see make me ill. Inflation, crime, traffic, safety and so much more. I am tired of this mess. Again, having ranted on about the above we live in a beautiful home in a Country Club community complete with are own pool, lanai and two loving Cavalier King Charles dogs. I am blessed and angry all at the same time. It's Sunday and I sound like a brat. Sorry. "J"
Thanks for the post, Lacy2.
to: Zebra in calirornia.
Well done. Your post is spot on and we should all remember what you have given us from Helen Keller...a steller human being with unfathomable courage.
OK... I thought your post had said you were from France and wanted to go back type thing, which is your prerogative for sure, your choice.... but some staunch citizens of present/host don't like criticism of their homeland is all; when I came to Canada on my own at 18 and working right away if I at least said one thing about where I was born, not even a comparison, just a statement some people I worked with said: well if you don't like it here you can always go back on the boat! I didn't have the nerve to tell them/her that I flew over! Honestly was not a criticism from me, but I learned to be very careful how I phrased my chit chat after that and never really felt accepted... times have changed a lot since then. Also mimicked for my accent etc. So this from me now means nothing.. except I do so miss my FAMILY over the years still there and am not ashamed to say so, but that country and France and many are not the places they were we remember - the whole world has changed and not for the better.. take care and maybe do not buy a ticket yet, just go visit and then decide 🙂 J.
Thank you. I am not French but was married to a Frenchman and lost him to cancer many many years ago while we liven in Provence. I was 6 weeks from having duel citizenship and was stupid enough to not rent a house as I sold my small villa. I am not going back to France. Too mature to make that move but I will say that I was accepted because I was married to a Frenchman from the Loir Valley. My friends there are, most the most part had gone to Heaven I am sad to say.
Thanks again for being here for these chats.
This too shall pass! I have had my share of struggles and this is a hard one to keep saying, but it reminds me to keep going thru the darkest of days as the light will shine again.
Write it on your heart that every day is the best day of the year. —Ralph Waldo Emerson
Seeing the good in the bad isn’t denying the bad. It’s keeping the bad from taking over your mind. —Amit Sood
Wishing you all 20/20 vision on silver linings!