Subtitles at a movie theater

Posted by charlaine @charlaine, Jul 29, 2023

A real game-changer for me! Our local AMC had 1 showing of Oppenheimer with subtitles. It made a huge difference in my ability to really follow the story and enjoy going to a movie.

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@arrowshooter I get it. Hearing the dialog is best but with Hollywood including extremely loud music in with the conversation, it's nearly impossible for people even without hearing loss to follow the content. There's usually music at the end while the credits are shown. I have to imagine that people's ears are ringing after the movie is over. I wish the world was quieter to help protect the residual hearing that I have left.
Tony in Michigan

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Yes, we live in a noisy world these days. Cities are the worse. Road noise can be intense. Much of the noise (loud music, loud mufflers, etc) are added intentionally. I often turn my hearing aids off when driving on long trips so I don’t have to listen to the road noise. It is much less fatiguing that way.


A couple years ago a deaf friend notified me of an open captioned movie that was to be shown at a local theater. I went to see it and was able to follow the movie better than I expected. Afterwards I went with a group of Deaf folks socializing and had a great time. I’m not a fluent signer but the Deaf group was very considerate and patient with me. Overall a great experience.

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For anyone living in the Philadelphia area, HLAA Chester County PA sends out a weekly list of all theaters that are showing open captioned movies the upcoming week. Our member Judy Shugarts started by calling several local theaters and asked to get a weekly email from them to put into the email. It has expanded little by little and includes at least 10 that I know of. Large chains like AMC as well as small theaters.


yes - heartily approve.

MOST THEATERS TODAY HAVE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR HEARING-IMPAIRED...ask them about it when you buy your ticket.

They have headsets for hard-of-hearing and some do have captions. IF YOU WANT TO DO IT RIGHT.....go online to your leaders THEY ARE AT SOCIAL SITES.....simply ASK them to get captions for public movie house is the law for PSA's ( Public service announcements and emergency messages on tv or any other public screening
...they must be captioned....

For the whole story you might enjoy this:


The Big Screen Cinema Guide released an Open Caption Search site to help people find open caption screenings of current popular movies.
1. Go to
2. Select the movie you're interested in.
3. Select theater name.
Tony in Michigan

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Thank you for sharing that link Tony. I had not seen this before. There is no doubt that much of the success in getting captioned movies in our theaters lies with the people in that theater's area to do some personal advocacy. I will share this with our HLAA chapters in Wisconsin. Maybe we can get something going!! While I'm willing to use the cup holder captioning device, it is a bit cumbersome. Worth it though.


Thank you for sharing that link Tony. I had not seen this before. There is no doubt that much of the success in getting captioned movies in our theaters lies with the people in that theater's area to do some personal advocacy. I will share this with our HLAA chapters in Wisconsin. Maybe we can get something going!! While I'm willing to use the cup holder captioning device, it is a bit cumbersome. Worth it though.

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@julieo4 Yes, it's good to see that there is an easy way to find captioned movies (again?). I found out about The Big Screen Cinema Guide on Facebook. I'm not a big fan of FB, but there is enough positive things there that keep me going back. Captionfish used to be the way to find captioned movies but that site does not seem to be maintained.
Tony in Michigan


Thanks everyone for the info about captioned movies. I checked, and sure enough our local theatre has the option for groups of 10 or more. I may be going to the movies more now. As someone commented, "game changer". Love it!


The Big Screen Cinema Guide released an Open Caption Search site to help people find open caption screenings of current popular movies.
1. Go to
2. Select the movie you're interested in.
3. Select theater name.
Tony in Michigan

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Thanks Tony for the information. I quit going to the movies many years ago since I could not hear the dialog. I came home and got the movie from the library so I could watch it with closed captioning! I am going to bookmark your link for future reference.

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