Do you believe viral infections undiagnosed cause SFN?

Posted by sfnmcashatsebv @sfnmcashatsebv, Aug 3, 2023

Dr of MCAS/HATS mentioed to me that my diagnosis all after covid infection cause anaphylaxis/mcas/hat/Sostheoarthritis possibly SFN is caused by a virus . I am having horrible nerve pain in arms and hands. Its relentless for 3 years this September. Do you believe a virus from mosquito, tick, puppy bite before all his shots, or mold could cause this type of SFN pain? Do you believe SFN can slow heart rate?

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When my PN started full force in 2016, I was referred to Duke who did all the standard Mayo recommend tests. Everything was negative except for my EMG which showed severe axonal sensorimotor PN. The doctor’s diagnosis was that it was Idiopathic PN “possibly from a Guillain Barre variant or virus”. I was negative for Guillain Barre itself, so that statement from Duke leads me to think the medical field must think other viruses unable to be tested could trigger PN. That’s how I interpreted that, but I’m not a medical person and can’t be sure.

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I'm a patient and no dr, but a dr recently told me that my sfn (& maybe other types of neuropathy) caused by a virus. Last week checked for ebv antigens positive.


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I’m so sorry this is happening to you.

I have small fiber neuropathy as well, believed to be triggered by a viral infection because I had a horrible cold (underwhelming, I know, but I was really sick) two weeks before onset of symptoms. And that started a cascade of other issues and diagnoses, including an autoimmune arthritis.

Yes, small fiber neuropathy can affect heart rate. The small fiber nerves influence sensation, temperate, and pressure in sensory neuropathy. But small fiber nerves also run your autonomic processes: heart rate, digestion, breathing, etc. I have both small fiber sensory and autonomic neuropathy. So I don’t think it’s a matter of believing whether or not it can; it’s one iteration of small fiber neuropathy.

I don’t have links to research to back this up, but it’s my understanding viral infections are a known trigger for several neurological conditions, including small fiber neuropathy.

Just like with other autoimmune conditions, something acts as a trigger (we don’t always know what) that flips a switch in the immune system, whether it’s an environmental factor, chronic stress, covid, etc. It’s one reason for those of us who’ve long had chronic pain/illness/fatigue, that long covid exists and has similar consequences and treatments doesn’t feel surprising, at least it wasn’t for me and seemingly with others on my care team.

Are you seeing a neurologist in addition to the person you’re seeing for MCAS?

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No, I do not have a neurologist that is helping me with this pain. The MCAS dr recommended IVIG and Mestonin, but he did not prescribe it since he is an allergist. IVIG is somehow specific for my diagnosis of -- HATS/SFN/MCAS. I have not found any effective treatment for SFN pain, it's there everyday since Sept 2020. I very open to any neurology reommendations

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