← Return to Suspected Endometrial Cancer: Cervix won't open to do biopsy

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@lgarcia224 I’d like to join in on what @valentinaz wrote. The fear of the unknown creates so much anxiety. I have anxiety on almost a daily basis and as I look back it’s always been present. Some experiences I’ve had brought the anxiety up to a point that it was in front of my face almost blocking my view of what was right in front of me. I couldn’t think of anything else! This is what happened when I got my diagnosis of endometrial cancer (endometrioid adenocarcinoma, FIGO Grade 1). I had waited about one month for a D & C after the ultrasound showed suspected thickening of the endometrium but my gynecologist told me « not to worry » as he didn’t think I had the risk factors. Fortunately for me after the cancer was diagnosed I got in to see a GYN Oncologist within a week. Once I had that appointment scheduled I felt a little better because at least there was something tangible to grab on to.

You wrote that you are waiting for your appointment with an oncologist in Dallas? Dallas is a huge metropolis that must have a very large medical community. Will your appointment be with an oncologist at a comprehensive cancer care center in an academic medical center? I’d like to suggest that you continue to advocate for yourself and call your gynecologist’s office to get that appointment very soon. Or call the oncologist’s office and do the same. Waiting is the worst. In case you would like this information, here is the website where you can find the academic medical centers that have the cancer care centers I mentioned above. There is one in Dallas at

Harold C. Simmons Comprehensive Cancer Center
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas

National Cancer Institute of the NIH:


Will you please let me know what you find out about your oncology appointment?

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Replies to "@lgarcia224 I’d like to join in on what @valentinaz wrote. The fear of the unknown creates..."

Good Morning, Helen:

It is so helpful to hear other people's journey and I appreciate you reaching out.

I have an appointment on the 16th at UTSW with their gynecology team. I was also put on a waiting list of someone cancels in the interim. University of Texas Southwestern is one of the best and I am glad to be seeing one of the top physicians there at Harold C. Simmons.

I too already struggled with anxiety. My job demands so much from me that I was already struggling to manage it. The pathology really sent me over the top.

I will keep you posted on my diagnosis. I'm hoping that the cancer is contained to the endometrial lining. I'm cutting out sugar, red meat, and alcohol as well as eating better. Do you have any other suggestions on how to help fight the cancer outside of mainstream medicine that I can use to supplement future treatments?