Wow, I can't believe it has taken me this long to look online about pancreatic cancer and the Whipple. I had my Whipple 02/06/2014. Over 9 years post whipple, I am considered cured. Cured is not a word used by any of the doctors you will meet during this journey and mine even told me that I would NEVER be cured, the best we could hope for was remission. Well, who said you can't do anything if you set your mind to it and trust in God. OK, so my story is that my husband and I had just moved into a new home October 2013. I was expecting my first grandchildren, twins, on 1/9/2014. My focus was the holidays and the babies! I was not feeling well. I was itching all over my whole body, my eyes, inbetween my toes, you name it. Unbearable, but I pushed on. I emptied all the moving boxes, I got through Thanksgiving and then Christmas and then I just felt so horrible I started to feel like nothing would change. I met my new babies and immediately went to my Primary Care Physcian and he said, this doesnt sound right. He didnt just throw Benedryl at me and say deal with he ordered blood tests and a CT Scan. He called me after the CT and told me that there was a mass on my pancreas and that it was blocking my bile duct. This is why I had such intense itching. Thank the Lord for the itching, which saved my life. Most have no symptoms. He scheduled a biopsy and a process to put a stent in to release the bile and stop the itching. I was literally ripping my skin off all day and night. It was horrible. I went in to have the procedure on 1/21/2014 and on 1/27/2014 I met with a man who to this day I have never spoken to again. He was I believe an oncologist type, but I will never forget what he said to me. My husband and I were sitting in front of him, like in the movies, and he said, "Well you know you have Cancer right? It is stage 3 and you have about 4 months to live. I recommend surgery immediately" I was in shock. What is happening, but mainly I got mad! We left and I called my doctor and he advised me to meet with a surgeon who turned out to be one of the most important people in my life. I was 54 years old and she said, Mrs. XXXXX, you will live a long life and see those babies grow. I didn't know any better than to believe her, because honestly, I didn't look online at ANYTHING. My husband did, but didn't share at my request. I didn't look online because she asked me not to. I was scheduled for 2/6/2014 for my Whipple. My process was very very fast. The weekend before surgery, I wrote letters to my 4 adult children and my husband. I put my affairs in order and I had surgery. As anyone knows after this surgery, you can't remember everything, but I was in the ICU for 12 days. On day 7, my surgeon came in and told me that the cancer had spread to my lymph nodes. She had removed 23 and 3 had shown cancer, so I would need 6 months of chemo. I had nothing by mouth for 9 days and I was told it would be months before I could return to work. I got through the surgery and when I went home, I had the tubes coming out of my stomach and pancreas. I was a size 00 when I left. I had nothing through the surgical implanted feeding tube while in the hospital. Many may not want to hear this, but my faith and my constant connection with Christ during this process was my saving grace. I was smiling and optimistic. I returned to work post whipple after 7 weeks. I started chemo 3 days later on 4/1/14. I am not trying to talk myself up at all, I just want to give strength and encouragement to those who are facing this horrible diagnosis. I now have 5 grandchildren. The twins are 9, I also have two 8 year old and one 5 year old grandson. My husband committed suicide 1/15/22, 1 day before out 40th wedding anniversary, so I guess I am here for a reason. Not sure exactly what that is yet. I have talked to many with cancer about being positive and not giving up, but when I lost my husband, I wasn't sure what to think anymore. Anyway, I am so thankful to be alive and pray for anyone going through this very intense life journey.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Wonderful to hear your survival story. Please pray for me - I have been praying for remission. I had chemo then Whipple; infection and slow recovery. No chemo post Whipple due to infection even though I had positive lymph nodes. Pray for continued healing please - I am. All second opinions aligned with it’s too late past surgery for more chemo.