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Oh, I feel your pain, literally. I came on here to find support for my husband’s metastatic prostate cancer, and saw your question! Today, THIS VERY DAY, was the first day I experienced the level of pain you described.
My question is, how reversible is neuropathy? Or is this a condition that only degenerates over time?
(My right lower leg has been numb from a double laminectomy, L-4- L-5, Toe dropped before surgery & I am left with residual neuropathy pain, and, alternating numbness, tingling and shooting pain. I am thinking, at this point, I may never get back the feeling in the outside of my calf. Just LIVE with it? I am 3 years post op).
Thank you in advance.

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Replies to "Oh, I feel your pain, literally. I came on here to find support for my husband’s..."

Welcome @pamd1959, I know it must be difficult trying to help your husband when you are also dealing with neuropathy pain. I don't think anyone can answer your question about whether or not neuropathy will get worse over time. There are so many variables that I think we just need to take it a day at a time trying to find whatever gives us some relief. I wonder if you might find the following discussion helpful to support your husband's metastatic prostrate cancer.

--- Metastic prostate Cancer Survivors - longevity and quality of life: https://connect.mayoclinic.org/discussion/metastic-prostate-cancer-survivors-longevity-and-quality-of-life/.

You might find the Foundation for Peripheral Neuropathy site useful for finding complementary and alternative treatments that might provide you some relief:
--- https://www.foundationforpn.org/living-well/.

Have you seen a neurologist or started any treatments for the neuropathy?

My neuropathy has become easier to live with.
I take:
(1) Lyrica
(2) Benfotiamine
(3) Alpha Lipoic Acid

I’ve recently stopped #2 and #3 and replaced them with Nuturna’s liquid Alpha Lipoic Acid that contains Benfotiamine and some other useful ingredients.

I sometimes wear Darn Tough wool socks during the day - they feel like compression socks and the neuropathy tingling pretty much goes away.

Neuropathy seems to be different for different people so the above may work well for me and not for you BUT I tell you it works well for me. What was just getting worse and worse now feels a lot better.