Trigeminal Neuralgia dental implants

Posted by dandl48 Dave @dandl48, Mar 5, 2021

My wife suffers from Trigeminal Neuralgia and she is concerned about getting a "Deep Cleaning" and 2 implants put in the side of her mouth thinking that the cleaning + drilling into her jaw will set the TN off. Has anyone with TN get a Deep Cleaning or had implants put in and what was the outcome of it?

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Hi @dandl48. I found this information that might be of help.

-How to Manage Trigeminal Nerve Injuries in Dentistry:
-Facial Nerve Pain can be Reduced with the Right Treatment Approach:
Has your wife had any dental work since her TN or is this her first?


Hi @dandl48. I found this information that might be of help.

-How to Manage Trigeminal Nerve Injuries in Dentistry:
-Facial Nerve Pain can be Reduced with the Right Treatment Approach:
Has your wife had any dental work since her TN or is this her first?

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@amandajro Thanks for the links you supplied! Sorry it took so long to answer you. I do however have to stay at a Holiday Inn Express in order to understand all the medical terms used. Only kidding slightly.


Had three dental surgery several years ago due to a failed implant and resulting loss of additional teeth and part of jaw due to osteomyelitis. Since that time have extensive nerve pain involving inferior alveolar nerve, more commonly called trigeminal neuropathy. Several doctors say neurosurgical procedures would NOT be of benefit, so I live with Gabapentin, Advil, Tylenol, etc. What complicates the situation is I need surgery sooner vs. later to have some implants placed so a partial denture can be built and clipped in / out (I lost a total of seven teeth due to the infection). Wondering if any experts out there have suggestions? Frustrating how such a simple procedure changed my life forever...


Had three dental surgery several years ago due to a failed implant and resulting loss of additional teeth and part of jaw due to osteomyelitis. Since that time have extensive nerve pain involving inferior alveolar nerve, more commonly called trigeminal neuropathy. Several doctors say neurosurgical procedures would NOT be of benefit, so I live with Gabapentin, Advil, Tylenol, etc. What complicates the situation is I need surgery sooner vs. later to have some implants placed so a partial denture can be built and clipped in / out (I lost a total of seven teeth due to the infection). Wondering if any experts out there have suggestions? Frustrating how such a simple procedure changed my life forever...

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Welcome @lindapl. I moved your message to this exisitng discussion:
- Trigeminal Neuralgia dental implants:

I did this so you can connect with @dandl48 whose wife has had a similar experience. You may also be interested in this related discussion:
- Trigeminal neuralgia: What helps stop the pain?


Had three dental surgery several years ago due to a failed implant and resulting loss of additional teeth and part of jaw due to osteomyelitis. Since that time have extensive nerve pain involving inferior alveolar nerve, more commonly called trigeminal neuropathy. Several doctors say neurosurgical procedures would NOT be of benefit, so I live with Gabapentin, Advil, Tylenol, etc. What complicates the situation is I need surgery sooner vs. later to have some implants placed so a partial denture can be built and clipped in / out (I lost a total of seven teeth due to the infection). Wondering if any experts out there have suggestions? Frustrating how such a simple procedure changed my life forever...

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You might want to google Cleveland Clinic, Gamma Knife & Trigeminal Neuralgia. They seem to have good success with TN. Also Mayo Clinic, covers treatments including Gamma Knife treatment.


I have been told by several doctors the trigeminal nerve will not heal. Yet I do not have an explanation why. I understand the trigeminal nerve controls both sensory and motor functions so not sure how that plays out into equation. All I know is a failed dental implant has caused me years of pain. My situation is rare which does not help in terms of research. Again, I am missing other teeth due to infection from implant and would like to replace them at some point however, as long as I have nerve damage / pain I am scared to proceed.


RE Implant Trigger
Patient: Age 62 Female
I had an upper molar removed in December 13, 2022, no pain after. However, doctor was inconsistent in his explanations so I went to another dentist. Two and a half weeks later I got Covid. My new dentist was not comfortable removing the dental tooth fragments left behind by the previous dentist and referred me to an oral surgeon. Six month later, in June of 2023, the oral surgeon stated I didn't need a sinus lift and was comfortable moving forward with the procedure. The oral surgeon removed the dental tooth particles and place the implant. The surgeon was the least bit gentle giving me three shots pushing down on my face, pulled the fragments and placed the implant. Two weeks later, mid-June on my (opposite cheek and forehead) were in pain when washed. By the end of July, I had significant pain while eating with went to the ER, on Gabapentin. I now go to a Prosthodontist and he stated that I have Bruxism as well. I have an old bite guard and he is now making me one for daytime use. Also, I have an appointment with a physical therapist who specializes in TMJ/Bruxism and a neurologist. Besides medication, what would your recommends gathering information and seeking the best options for treatment? Lastly there is no cover/crown on the implant which concerns me about getting future dental work? What is another why I can have sedation besides regular dental numbing?
Thank you in advance for you feedback.


Hi, I hope your wife is well. Just wondering if your wife had the implants and deep cleaning? and if so how is she doing?


Hi, wonder how your wife is doing with her Trigeminal Neuralgia. Did she get the implants?
I was diagnosed with Trigeminal Neuralgia back in 1983. It was a terrible pain that would come and go. I was in Italy at the time, and they knew what I had and put me on Tegretol which helped.
After I noticed that a large filling had fallen out from the last molar where the pain was. I don't know if that was the cause. I had the tooth pulled and I went to a special oral surgeon who took great care to not agitate the region.
I have never had another episode, only once did I suspect an onset and I ran to a Neurologist.
My Periodontist in the US wanted to do an implant for the lost tooth, but I was afraid to cause an episode and refused. I asked the Neuologist and he said he didn't like invasive procedures and that nerves have memory. I have had two impants on the other side of my mouth with no problems. And I have a least two cleaning a year with no issues. But TN is a terrible affliction. There is an online organization to follow news on the subject.


I got TN from a failed dental implant. I would probably avoid that. I also have a perforated sinus and bone loss and root absorption. I have chronic infections and the teeth beside it are loose now. I have also developed periodontal disease after. I wish I never had gotten that surgery. I have since had the implant removed but still have all these symptoms and a possible fistula. Getting a cone beam scan on Monday. It has been a challenging year.

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