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Well, your symptoms are not necessarily consistent with a typical metal allergy, but sensitivities can present in many ways.
I will suggest though, that the stiffness and pain are in the range that most docs and PTs would consider normal for 4 months post-surgery. In other words, recovery is harder than you thought it would be, and more hard work on your part to regain full use than you ever thought possible.
The other symptoms could be a manifestation of another problem, such as an indication of low hemoglobin or a thyroid issue. OR...your body may be one of those which really hates surgery and anesthesia...and this is a normal recovery for you. Also when we hurt, and our life is feeling off-track, sometimes we become highly attuned to every sign and symptom that things are not right.
Have you had a complete physical with bloodwork by your primary since your surgery? This could uncover the source of the fatigue, nausea, etc.
If you want to pursue the testing, you can contact an allergist or immunologist. I am not sure if insurance covers this without specific symptoms.

Good luck - I hope your symptoms lessen as your body adjusts to its new parts.

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Replies to "Well, your symptoms are not necessarily consistent with a typical metal allergy, but sensitivities can present..."

If allergic the symptoms worsen with exposure, the histamines armies become more reactive and aggressive thus raising the inflamation. The body never adjusts.

I will never regret paying $600 out of pocket because Medicare would not pay for blood testing for implant components. I even filed a protest sending Medicare copies of other allergy testing for my dozen or so other contact allergies tested by the 5 Day Extended Test to prove what an allergic person I was. Based on my history the surgeon told me the blood test was the most accurate. Medicare denied my documented appeal to pay for metal testing in the blood before surgery. After getting my results which showed allergies to 5 metals. I did not test positive to titanium but the surgeon told me there is no such thing as pure titanium. It will contain traces of other metals. I canceled my scheduled surgery for TKR replacement. I'll be better off living with limitations then living with an implant poisoning me 24/7. I feared the pain but also facing the necessity of implant removal with no substitute leaving me with what? A leg with what type of bone fusing?
Has anyone had experience with TKR removal without replacement? Is the femur fused with bone from the below the removed knee joint?