Has anyone stopped Evinity before a yr ?

Posted by dreamjean1958 @dreamjean1958, Aug 1, 2023

I have been on Evinity for 6 months. My Dr may be taking me off . Getting really bad side affects. They last for a week . Not sure if I should live with it or Stop. I’ll be put on something else. He did mention . With Evinity. The first 6 months. Are your most benefit. What do most of you take after Evenity ? Reclast sounds good . But you can’t have any dental work.
I’m just so confused . I can’t take Forteo . Already used it . Thanks

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Yrs I had bone density Dexa scan. It increased . But Endocronologist said I’ve gained pretty much what I can . Now the next step is Prolia . He did not mention Forteo at all . He knew I was on Forteo in the past . But no one ever put me on Tymlos or anything else . Frustrating . That’s why my bones are like. Liquid butter . I have one of the worse cases he’s seen for my age . I’m 64 . I just want to crawl in a hole . Lots of people are telling me to su . Not sure who to even su. My surgeon was not at Mayo . But my family practice was .and is . He should have known .

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The time limit has been lifted for Forteo and Tymlos is also a bone builder that works in a similar way. Maybe your doc is right and you have reached the limit of possible improvement but I hope you can get a second opinion. Keith McCormick has a website. He charges maybe $300 for a first appointment but it might be worth it. Or another endocrinologist covered by insurance. Again your doc could be right but I would make sure by getting another opinion. I know that is an overwhelming prospect. I don't mean to add to stress!


The time limit has been lifted for Forteo and Tymlos is also a bone builder that works in a similar way. Maybe your doc is right and you have reached the limit of possible improvement but I hope you can get a second opinion. Keith McCormick has a website. He charges maybe $300 for a first appointment but it might be worth it. Or another endocrinologist covered by insurance. Again your doc could be right but I would make sure by getting another opinion. I know that is an overwhelming prospect. I don't mean to add to stress!

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Thank you , I have contacted Keith Maybe he will give me an answer . I don’t have 300 dollars . I’ve been off work for a yr in Oct . Due to foot injury . Broke it 2 different time. 2 different places I’ve also called the surgeons care Team . They are checking it . They did tell me Forteo is not near as good as Prolia . He prescribes Forteo before surgery
. It’s not you that is stressing me out . It’s this whole thing . I do know . I do have one of the worst cases they have seen . Even after Evinity . Better
. But not good
Saids won’t Sugar Coat it ! Very Very Poor .


The time limit has been lifted for Forteo and Tymlos is also a bone builder that works in a similar way. Maybe your doc is right and you have reached the limit of possible improvement but I hope you can get a second opinion. Keith McCormick has a website. He charges maybe $300 for a first appointment but it might be worth it. Or another endocrinologist covered by insurance. Again your doc could be right but I would make sure by getting another opinion. I know that is an overwhelming prospect. I don't mean to add to stress!

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Apparently . You can’t go back on Forteo or Tymlos after Evinity

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@dreamjean1958 did your doc say why you cannot do Forteo again or Tymlos? You have to go on Reclast after Prolia, and the timing is tricky. Too early and Reclast doesn't work and too late and you have already lost bone.

Perhaps Forteo and Tymlos won't be effective after the Evenity you have done?????

I have lupus and had cancer and my doc agreed Prolia can affect immune system.

You are in a tough spot. I would make an appointment with Keith McCormick and/or another doctor to discuss Forteo or Tymlos after 6 months on Evenity. It is very possible that Prolia IS the best option. But I would want to make sure.

I had heard you could do Evenity after Tymlos or Forteo but not the other way around, possibly because there was little bone growth left to do after Evenity. But I have not seen anything anywhere- including McCormick's book Great Bones- so let us know if it is, indeed, possible to do Forteo or Tymlos after 6 months on Evenity. This is a key question for many and for you!

If your DEXA was done well after finishing Forteo, you have no way of knowing what Forteo did for you, since bone density drops off when you start. Do you think Forteo helped you?

Have you had a DEXA after Evenity to see where you are with bone density now?

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Forteo did amazing for me . I was told before my surgery that my bones were like Butter cream . He would not touch me . I think it was 6 months later . Maybe earlier. Had my neck fusion . What screwed me up. No Dr . No one told me I would need anything else. You only see surgeons for a short time . He was not in Mayo
Although he is one of the best Soine surgeons


Thank you, I think I’m stopping at 6 . I had pain after my 4 th . 5 th got worse and 6 th was in bed for days . Head ache was horrible and the stiffness in my neck. Along with joint pain . Had no clue about any of these side affects What did you get switched to after Evinity . ?

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I only had 3 injections and had to stop. Heart issues began with second shot and grew worse daily. Lightheadedness, headaches, and insomnia. I was told Evenity clears the system in approximately 8 weeks. It's been 7 weeks for me today and it's so wonderful to be feeling healthy again.


Forteo did amazing for me . I was told before my surgery that my bones were like Butter cream . He would not touch me . I think it was 6 months later . Maybe earlier. Had my neck fusion . What screwed me up. No Dr . No one told me I would need anything else. You only see surgeons for a short time . He was not in Mayo
Although he is one of the best Soine surgeons

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Remember, Butter Cream doesn't break.


The time limit has been lifted for Forteo and Tymlos is also a bone builder that works in a similar way. Maybe your doc is right and you have reached the limit of possible improvement but I hope you can get a second opinion. Keith McCormick has a website. He charges maybe $300 for a first appointment but it might be worth it. Or another endocrinologist covered by insurance. Again your doc could be right but I would make sure by getting another opinion. I know that is an overwhelming prospect. I don't mean to add to stress!

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Hello , Well I put a call into the surgeon that prescribed me Forteo in 2018 . Tbe nurse asked him what he would recommend . He said definitely Prolia . They also asked a endroconologist . He sends patients too. The. Whole team discussed it . This is totally out of Mayo s network. It was Still awater Brain & Spine . They all said . Prolia is what they would put me on . It is suppose to be the best . Apparently. After you have been on Evinity. You can’t go back to Forteo . Whether I like it or not . In my case . It is what’s Best .

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No He said . Nothing will work as good as Prolia for me . He explained it all but it was complicated . He did say if I was in my 80 s
. Than he wouldn’t put me omit . He did say it’s a comittment and I have to show up for all my appts. Some people don’t and miss doses and go out of State . That’s not good . He said in my particular case . Prolia will be the only one he would recommend . I have one of the worst cases he has seen . Due to Dr not following up after Forteo . My bone scan was worse than it was before I got put on Forteo .

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Would you share with us what your T score is. Mine is -4.6.
Was told Evenity would be best for me.


Would you share with us what your T score is. Mine is -4.6.
Was told Evenity would be best for me.

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I will . Which one is that ? There are multiple scores


I have oesteoporosis and arthritirs. I took forteo and had theraphy for one year place in machine w/c i bought. But no effect. I was injected with prolia for 5 years ( one every year). But it doesn't help ,cost a lot of money. But now, i do exercise every day. My son and daughter advise me to use a cane,but i refused. I now joined dance group for exercise and is taking REVANTA, once a week. Dancing is a good form of exercise and beat all medicine

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