Anyone Have Exp w/T-6 Fracture & Weighted Vest?

Posted by ilovetrees @ilovetrees, Aug 2, 2023

Does anyone with a T-6 compression fracture have experience wearing a weighted vest? What type and how many lbs? Did it help? I’m 76. My Dexa is -4.5. I’ve started PT in our small town, and the therapist is recommending one. The local endocrinologist has only recommended daily walking and wants me to start Evenity after my a-fib is better controlled - she says maybe in one year. No other recommendations. My a-fib may never be better controlled. I’m wondering if I should find/consult with another endocrinologist in the city, 3 hours away. I’m frustrated. So glad I found this group.

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@mmodesti omigosh are we the same person?! Nice to "talk" to someone with a lot of fractures like me (sorry it's you). And I have written that I have found that eating with the shot (especially something salty), hydrating and getting up and going out- all help.

For the first months I stayed in bed and was miserable for those first hours after the shot. Maybe it kept my blood pressure down? Maybe we metabolize it more quickly if active? In any case I am glad you are able to be active after the shot and have found, as I have, that it actually helps!

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Our experience with Tymlos certainly is very similar. Maybe that is why your comments have been so helpful to me. As you have said many times, I have accepted that there is no osteoporosis treatment completely free of side effects, and have learned to see them as a sign that I have reached a "therapeutic dose". The thing is to see what helps diminish them.

I found out, for example, that taking the shot on an empty stomach makes the nausea worse.
I try to eat citrus fruits, carbonated beverages (I don't drink sodas, so I mix sparking water with a little orange, mango, or passionfruit juice and make my own carbonated beverage), and yes, salty things, just like I did with my morning sickness when I was pregnant. The feeling is very similar.

Staying in bed, although feels right at the moment, is not a good idea. I feel it makes the effects last longer. Somehow, doing things shorten the uneasiness of it all.
Thank you so much for all your helpful tips and insight. I wish you the very best.


Our experience with Tymlos certainly is very similar. Maybe that is why your comments have been so helpful to me. As you have said many times, I have accepted that there is no osteoporosis treatment completely free of side effects, and have learned to see them as a sign that I have reached a "therapeutic dose". The thing is to see what helps diminish them.

I found out, for example, that taking the shot on an empty stomach makes the nausea worse.
I try to eat citrus fruits, carbonated beverages (I don't drink sodas, so I mix sparking water with a little orange, mango, or passionfruit juice and make my own carbonated beverage), and yes, salty things, just like I did with my morning sickness when I was pregnant. The feeling is very similar.

Staying in bed, although feels right at the moment, is not a good idea. I feel it makes the effects last longer. Somehow, doing things shorten the uneasiness of it all.
Thank you so much for all your helpful tips and insight. I wish you the very best.

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I just had my seltzer with apple juice after my shot!


Hi @ilovetrees, You are getting such great advice and info from folks (and as always, @windyshores) - yay!

As an FYI, I am in my 10th week of taking Forteo, another anabolic (building bone) medication like Tymlos. Although each person is different, I have not had any problems with it at all. I wanted to take Tymlos instead of Forteo because it can be stored at room temp (68-77 F) after first use -- Forteo needs to be refrigerated except when you're using it. However, my HMO only has an anabolic medication partnership with Forteo and Evenity, not Tymlos. I'm dealing fine with Forteo's refrigerator factor though I do feel somewhat tethered by it.

Initially, I thought a weighted vest might help me but after reading stuff (from web, this forum, etc.), I decided against it because of a gut feeling and cost/safety reasons, and my DXA spinal T-score is better than yours, i.e., -3.6. Plus, the PT at my HMO didn't advocate purchasing it when I asked her.

Like others, I think Margaret Martin's info is helpful and it was great to find her website when I got my osteoporosis diagnosis in January. (Note: I do take her with a grain a salt when she seemingly promotes certain products that could be inappropriate, ineffective, and/or money-wasteful, depending on the person and their situation.) As an FYI, several days ago in a different thread on this forum, @ans provided info on two other PT's who also specialize in osteoporosis and offer online consultations, Dr. Sherri Betz and Sara Meeks. Joanne Fagerstrom is great too (and her online classes). Martin, Betz, Fagerstrom, and Meeks all practice safe, evidence-based PT for osteoporosis. There are other PTs specializing in osteoporosis, if you decide to see a PT.


Hi I love trees:

Is your PT a specialist in osteoporosis?

If not, she may be offering your something that should not be done.

Are you working with a specialist for osteoporosis, an MD or NP?
Can they recommend a trained PT?
Check with the specialist about the weighted vest and whether that is too much.

My PT is not an osteoporosis specialist.
I got a referral for my osteo art knees and told my Internist that I needed weight bearing exercises for my osteoporosis.
Told PT that my one goal is weight-bearing exercises.

She had me do an exercise that I felt was harmful for osteoporosis and scoliosis. I stopped it.
I also felt that the rubber band stretches to pull up my knees put too much pressure on my wrists. Would not do.
So, she is modifying exercises as we go along.

I need to increase knee strength and glutes strength.

So am in a limbo of needing to fix knees but need osteoporosis exercises which she does not know necessarily.

Will need to switch at some point.

There are two sites that deal in this here...


Hi @ilovetrees, You are getting such great advice and info from folks (and as always, @windyshores) - yay!

As an FYI, I am in my 10th week of taking Forteo, another anabolic (building bone) medication like Tymlos. Although each person is different, I have not had any problems with it at all. I wanted to take Tymlos instead of Forteo because it can be stored at room temp (68-77 F) after first use -- Forteo needs to be refrigerated except when you're using it. However, my HMO only has an anabolic medication partnership with Forteo and Evenity, not Tymlos. I'm dealing fine with Forteo's refrigerator factor though I do feel somewhat tethered by it.

Initially, I thought a weighted vest might help me but after reading stuff (from web, this forum, etc.), I decided against it because of a gut feeling and cost/safety reasons, and my DXA spinal T-score is better than yours, i.e., -3.6. Plus, the PT at my HMO didn't advocate purchasing it when I asked her.

Like others, I think Margaret Martin's info is helpful and it was great to find her website when I got my osteoporosis diagnosis in January. (Note: I do take her with a grain a salt when she seemingly promotes certain products that could be inappropriate, ineffective, and/or money-wasteful, depending on the person and their situation.) As an FYI, several days ago in a different thread on this forum, @ans provided info on two other PT's who also specialize in osteoporosis and offer online consultations, Dr. Sherri Betz and Sara Meeks. Joanne Fagerstrom is great too (and her online classes). Martin, Betz, Fagerstrom, and Meeks all practice safe, evidence-based PT for osteoporosis. There are other PTs specializing in osteoporosis, if you decide to see a PT.

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Hello @tetris. Wow. Thank you ( and everyone!) for your time and vast, helpful information. The generous support from this group is amazing and beyond wonderful. This is my first online group forum. (I’m not on social media) and I’m feeling so much gratitude. I’m seeing my cardio on Monday to see if she has knowledge/thoughts re: the best osteo drug for someone with a-fib. I left a msg to schedule an appointment with an endocrinologist specializing in osteoporosis in Portland, OR., 3 hrs away. (Thank you for the names @teb!!) I’m wondering if anyone has purchased Margaret Martin’s compression fracture online course and if it was helpful and worth $80.00. My local PT is into loading more and more weight. It doesn’t feel right. Take good care!


Hi I love trees:

Is your PT a specialist in osteoporosis?

If not, she may be offering your something that should not be done.

Are you working with a specialist for osteoporosis, an MD or NP?
Can they recommend a trained PT?
Check with the specialist about the weighted vest and whether that is too much.

My PT is not an osteoporosis specialist.
I got a referral for my osteo art knees and told my Internist that I needed weight bearing exercises for my osteoporosis.
Told PT that my one goal is weight-bearing exercises.

She had me do an exercise that I felt was harmful for osteoporosis and scoliosis. I stopped it.
I also felt that the rubber band stretches to pull up my knees put too much pressure on my wrists. Would not do.
So, she is modifying exercises as we go along.

I need to increase knee strength and glutes strength.

So am in a limbo of needing to fix knees but need osteoporosis exercises which she does not know necessarily.

Will need to switch at some point.

There are two sites that deal in this here...

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Hello @timely - My PT does not specialize in osteoporosis. The local endocrinologist specializes in diabetes. She told me to walk every day and she tested my calcium, which is fine. I think the local medical network tries to keep as much care under their own umbrella, if the can. That way they all have access to a patient’s chart. I’ve never understood why doctors and hospitals in the same state aren’t required to use the same medical records program! I’m so sorry about your knees. It’s hard. I had a meniscus repair a couple of years ago, followed by six months of PT and water therapy. It helped, but I’m still only able to climb one stair at a time. I’ve got arthritis in both knees and feet and hands. I am walking every day, and I rub Voltaren on my feet and knees before and after walking, which helps, and use Sombra pain relieving gel (it’s amazing) on my back. If I can’t get comfortable in bed, I take Tylenol extended release. Maybe you can find a specialist through this group? You’re in my thoughts.


Hi @ilovetrees, As @windyshores pointed out, a weighted vest may cause fractures. My rheumatologist told me not to use one and I heard Sara Meeks, a Physical Therapist who specializes in osteoporosis, mention that as well. Dr. Loren Fishman (Columbia University School of Medicine) has an ongoing study of specially selected yoga poses that build bone density. There are modifications of the classic poses for those with osteoporosis and osteopenia. You can Google 12 Poses vs Osteoporosis and also check out his work at . It is also possible to get a consult with him. There have been no injuries to participants in his study. Take care,


Hello @timely - My PT does not specialize in osteoporosis. The local endocrinologist specializes in diabetes. She told me to walk every day and she tested my calcium, which is fine. I think the local medical network tries to keep as much care under their own umbrella, if the can. That way they all have access to a patient’s chart. I’ve never understood why doctors and hospitals in the same state aren’t required to use the same medical records program! I’m so sorry about your knees. It’s hard. I had a meniscus repair a couple of years ago, followed by six months of PT and water therapy. It helped, but I’m still only able to climb one stair at a time. I’ve got arthritis in both knees and feet and hands. I am walking every day, and I rub Voltaren on my feet and knees before and after walking, which helps, and use Sombra pain relieving gel (it’s amazing) on my back. If I can’t get comfortable in bed, I take Tylenol extended release. Maybe you can find a specialist through this group? You’re in my thoughts.

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Hi ilovetrees:

I have no knee pain as I take collagen, hyluronic acid, and a combo capsule of glucosamine, collagen, frankencense and boron. That is all I use. No tylenol.

I am dealing with lack of knee bendibility and weak glutes from knee osteo arthritis. I can only climb one stair double step at a time too.

Be cautious if your PT is giving you weights that are too heavy.
Do not know what your DEXA numbers but that fits into this too.
We do need weight bearing exercises and perhaps arm weights but not such that will cause damage.

Re: Teri post and Dr. Fishman yoga for osteoporosis.

So many of these yoga poses are for folks that do not have knee arthritis and have perfect balance and just osteoporosis.
Very disappointing.....There are a few that are ok/possible to to do with knee osteo arthritis.


You have a cardio appointment to ask which osteoporosis med or infusion is better for arrythmia.
****This is a great question. Doctor needs to research this before you get there so hope that you let the office know that that is why you are making the appointment in particular.
Hope that you get an answer.

****Please post the reply that you get as I have arrythmia too and never considered that as a factor.

Many thanks,


Hi ilovetrees:

I have no knee pain as I take collagen, hyluronic acid, and a combo capsule of glucosamine, collagen, frankencense and boron. That is all I use. No tylenol.

I am dealing with lack of knee bendibility and weak glutes from knee osteo arthritis. I can only climb one stair double step at a time too.

Be cautious if your PT is giving you weights that are too heavy.
Do not know what your DEXA numbers but that fits into this too.
We do need weight bearing exercises and perhaps arm weights but not such that will cause damage.

Re: Teri post and Dr. Fishman yoga for osteoporosis.

So many of these yoga poses are for folks that do not have knee arthritis and have perfect balance and just osteoporosis.
Very disappointing.....There are a few that are ok/possible to to do with knee osteo arthritis.


You have a cardio appointment to ask which osteoporosis med or infusion is better for arrythmia.
****This is a great question. Doctor needs to research this before you get there so hope that you let the office know that that is why you are making the appointment in particular.
Hope that you get an answer.

****Please post the reply that you get as I have arrythmia too and never considered that as a factor.

Many thanks,

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I would not have a lot of faith in the cardiologist to know about osteoporosis meds. I saw three cardiologists in an attempt to get an opinion and they either said they didn't know anything about those meds or googled an answer I could google myself.

A pharmacist may know the most! Or maybe you have a cardiologist who has specialized knowledge. My endo actually knew more about effects on the heart.

I have afib, infrequently. I got on Tymlos by starting at a low dose. My first dose, which was a full dose, landed me in the ER with afib and tachycardia. I regrouped, met with cardios and endos, and started at a 25% dose.


I wore a weighted vest for a while (4 pounds). In March, my T score was -4.5 (down from -3.5 in 5 years), but I have had no fractures and I feel strong. I walk about 5 miles a day, walk stairs, swim, practice yoga, lift light weights, weigh about 108 pounds (but would like to weigh more) and am 70 years old. I saw an osteoporosis specialist about a month ago and, although she did not tell me not to use the vest, she mentioned there is some controversy. I did google research and decided to get a weighted belt instead. I wear it with 4 pounds for about an hour most days. The doctor ordered blood and urine tests and a cardio consult, since I believe she wants to prescribe Evenity. I am opposed to medications, so I am hoping to come up with another plan. I meet with the specialist for a follow up next week.

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