Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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A few more wittisisms:

"Im at an age when my back goes out more than I do." Phyllis Diller

"Life is a merderately good play with a badly written third act" Diane Von Furstenberg Love her fashions.

"I don't feel old. I don't feel anything unteil noon. Then it's time for my nap." Bob Hope

That all for today. Have a great one.


In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves...self-discipline with all of them came first. --Harry S. Truman


in reply to @johnbishop
I painted this one and put it out in my garden adjacent to the Carpe Diem sign that created such a stir with my next door neighbor. Every morning I have been opening my door and saying aloud, "Carpe Diem." She slams her door shut. LOL

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What do you imagine your neighbor thinks "carpe diem" means?
Her reaction is really, really funny/odd.



I like to think that France is my country and that Le Val in the Var is my home town. I am American and right now I wish I was back in France.

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Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is very similar to liberte, egalite, fraternite [liberty, equality, fraternity].


I like to think that France is my country and that Le Val in the Var is my home town. I am American and right now I wish I was back in France.

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Buy ticket.

In reply to @nonobaddog "Buy ticket." + (show)

Buy ticket.

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I lived there and loved it. Too late to start over in my old country. If I could buy a ticket and stay I would. Are you enjoying America right now???


What’ll make you laugh will make you cry.



What do you imagine your neighbor thinks "carpe diem" means?
Her reaction is really, really funny/odd.


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in reply to @annewoodmayo Thanks for the note. I am not sure what my neighbor thinks anymore. When she called about the sign I did ask if she knew what it meant, and she applied in the affirmative. When I asked her "why don't you want to seize the day" she replied that that was"my stuff, not hers." I suspect that her problem lies within herself. I do not look like the epitome of good health, but I am as active as possible. Building things, gardening, painting, etc. She sits alone in her apartment all day long looking online for whatever diagnosis she can find to explain her problems, which are many. I sympathize with her only because I think her situation is a sad one at best. I mentioned that last summer I told her that if she kept telling herself that she could not walk, she would not. Consciousness manifests, dominant thoughts prevail, is my mantra, and the last time I said this to her, she kicked me out of her apartment. Prior to this, we were friends. She monitors all of my actions. Just this morning while I was outside pressing some plants from my garden, I said aloud, " I am so tired of all of these iatrogenic problems, that I might just give up." Then I said, "no, I will make another sign, "Habet spem." Now, I know she does not know Latin, and just because I feel the way I do today, I just might set that sign on top of the fence and see what happens.


in reply to @annewoodmayo Thanks for the note. I am not sure what my neighbor thinks anymore. When she called about the sign I did ask if she knew what it meant, and she applied in the affirmative. When I asked her "why don't you want to seize the day" she replied that that was"my stuff, not hers." I suspect that her problem lies within herself. I do not look like the epitome of good health, but I am as active as possible. Building things, gardening, painting, etc. She sits alone in her apartment all day long looking online for whatever diagnosis she can find to explain her problems, which are many. I sympathize with her only because I think her situation is a sad one at best. I mentioned that last summer I told her that if she kept telling herself that she could not walk, she would not. Consciousness manifests, dominant thoughts prevail, is my mantra, and the last time I said this to her, she kicked me out of her apartment. Prior to this, we were friends. She monitors all of my actions. Just this morning while I was outside pressing some plants from my garden, I said aloud, " I am so tired of all of these iatrogenic problems, that I might just give up." Then I said, "no, I will make another sign, "Habet spem." Now, I know she does not know Latin, and just because I feel the way I do today, I just might set that sign on top of the fence and see what happens.

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I like your mantra. We become what we think of most of the time. When mentioning France some kind soul told me to "Go buy a ticket". Nice. Have to chuckle and asked if he was happy with the way this country is headed...or something to that effect. Oh well. It is, unfortunately, what it is.


"This too shall pass." Job in the Bible.

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