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How long before relapse occurs or ADT fails?

Prostate Cancer | Last Active: Aug 6, 2023 | Replies (27)

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Indeed new drugs comes into play, and seems at an accelerating rate. The newer the literature or video, the harder it seems to distinguish between cure and remission. At one time, a cure is defined as surgical removal. But as good doctor points out, it may take 10- 20 years to know how good the treatment is compared to surgery. For that matter, whether surgery is 100% certain to prevent any relapse. With more clinical experience, the distinction seems less well defined.

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Hi all I had my prostate out in 2014. Earlier this year in April my prostate count went up to 1.79. and it had moved into my lymph notes. So at this moment in time, I am stage four. Having chemo and hormone injections. I don’t actually know what the outcome is going to be. So having your prostate out, doesn’t actually mean you’re cured. if you do have your prostate out, I’d recommend you going for a six-month blood test. my doctors miss mine. This is why am at stage four