Hiatal Hernia

Posted by cantbelievethis @cantbelievethis, Jul 13, 2023

I would love to hear commentary from people who have a hiatal hernia and what you do for it or have done for it. I was given a cardiac scan of my heart area for something and the scan 'accidentally' picked up that I have a hiatal hernia (totally unrelated to cardiac issues). I want to know what has worked for others. Yes, I have a doctor but feedback from actual patients is beneficial as well. I am not looking for medical advice for my own situation, just wondering about what has worked or not worked for you. Thanks.

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I take Omeprazole also, but don't want to keep taking it ! So many medicines cause other problems to organs , etc. I want to eliminate the cough and hoping to increase my stamina ! Doctor says he thinks it will
- I play a lot of pickleball and like biking , etc.

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If it works for you, I’d take a look at the studies again. They’re really not definitive. But I get it. I’ve weaned down from 40 to 20 to 10 mg. So I guess I’m trying to wean off too like so many here.


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I’m not a doctor, but I had surgery for hiatal hernia a year ago. I refused to do those tests. I had an endoscopy and barium swallow. I thought those two tests were enough!

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I have to say, I did not refuse and had the test the day before to ck out the motility of my esophagus. After the surgery and just before I was released, the Dr. came in and told me my esophagus was of little help and I would need to stay on soft foods for the rest of my life. That was after a Nissen Fundoplication with a partial esophagus wrap and partial mesh implant. Had I not taken that test he would not have known to do partial. I am soooo happy and feel great now. I did check out the reliability of his thoughts. LOL yep he was right. After getting bread stuck on the way down, I am now taking it seriously. I am aware there are smart good Dr. in many cities but the experience I had at the FL Mayo was unsurpassable, If you are going to have the operation I highly recommend Dr Edwards and his team!!!


If it works for you, I’d take a look at the studies again. They’re really not definitive. But I get it. I’ve weaned down from 40 to 20 to 10 mg. So I guess I’m trying to wean off too like so many here.

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I only take 10 mg and it works but after surgery hoping I don't take it anymore!!


I just had a new procedure done; Endoflip. I have hiatal hernia and a LES (lower esophagus valve) that opens with respiration and is grade II and also mild muscular ring around bottom of my esophagus which I am sure caused by LPR (Silence Gerd). This is the spot that food rarely gets stuck and causes pain. I am sure Hiatal Hernia has caused this and LPR. I have to do the 24-hour acid test, which I am not looking forward to do, to see if my Gerd is acidic or not. Unfortunately, I cannot take PPIs or H2 Blockers as they cause Candida and SIBO. When these pills remove the gas and acid, then, some people get SIBO. I still don't want to do the hernia surgery as my doctor told me I will get bloated so badly that I have to go on diet as I am now.


I believe that someone on here asked about a Esophageal Manometry test. I believe that is one of the tests I had. I have terrible drainage in my throat, especially when lying down at night and I always contributed it to my sinuses since I have terrible allergies, etc. My ENT said it wasn't coming from my sinuses but I totally disagreed so I had the test done. With this particular test, the wire was inserted in my nose down into the esophagus and I had to wear the darn thing for 24 hours. It didn't really hurt but was extremely annoying especially trying to sleep. The results were that I have Gerd and terrible reflux in addition to a hiatal hernia. Even with those results, I still think that some of the drainage is from my sinuses.

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