Can someone please steer me in the right direction? Please

Posted by skylee @skylee, Jul 22, 2023

Hi, I am Lori and I am at a loss. On March 7th I had surgery on my elbow. I have had 11 surgeries prior to this and I've never had a problem with anesthesia, and also know that it does burn for a couple seconds where it is inserted.
before my surgery on March 7th I asked the nurse if she would please put the IV in my arm and not in my hand. She ignored me and put it in my hand I just let it go. Then anesthesia, when the female anesthesiologist was putting the anesthesia through my ID it started burning and I was waiting for it to go away. However it did not, it was the worst excruciating burning pain I have ever felt in my life. It burned so bad for my hand up to my shoulder the whole time she put the anesthesia in my IV. I was crying I looked up to her and asked her to please stop, but she just looked at me didn't say a word and kept pushing the syringe. The male anesthesiologist turned on my heart monitor and it was going crazy. So he yelled at me you have to calm down. So I just laid there and cried until I went to sleep. I woke up went home I tried to forget about it. 3 days later my arm started going numb from my hand to my shoulder. this isn't a light tingling this is like when your foot falls asleep and you can't walk on it feeling. Sometimes I feel pain sometimes I feel burning. It is hard for me to grasp something get a good grip on it, and I even dropped a few items since then. This has been going on every day all day since March 10th. My arm is perfectly fine before I went into surgery now this. And that was of neurologist virtually, she said it sounded like I have carpal tunnel or overtime nerve damage and that maybe the anesthesia exasperated it. So on Thursday I had an EMG done to see if I have carpal tunnel or overtime nerve damage. The test was negative no carpal tunnel no overtime nerve damage. so the neurologist message sent me a message online and it just said your EMT was normal that's it. So I had a message back and ask her what do I do now? I like my arm is going on this I'm not faking this there is a problem and I need it identified and corrected so what do I do now? She responded I can get you a referral to neuro muscular that's exactly what she said and that was it. she put it to where I can't respond to her messages now. I am not out to sue anybody or anything I just want to find out the problem and get it fixed but I think that everybody thinks I'm going to sue so they don't want anything to do with me. So what am I supposed to do how am I supposed to prove that my arm is going numb and get it fixed when nobody will even help me? please somebody please if you're if you respond like nobody else does can somebody steer me in the right direction I'm getting frustrated and running out of options. Thank you have a blessed day Lori

Interested in more discussions like this? Go to the Neuropathy Support Group.


Hello Skylee, If your neurologist can confirm that you have Neuropathy, you will find much support on this site. Lets see the results from the neurologist. Keep us posted and good luck.

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It would not let me screen shot my results and I downloaded it but it says cannot load. So I wrote it down and took a pic.


Thank you skylee for your well wishes. Someone wrote that you should be examined by a neurologist. Absolutely! The neurologist was the one who actually said that the original orthopedist was incorrect about his diagnosis and firm assertion that there was "nothing wrong." And he examined the nerve and muscle conduction studies, telling me that the report and the exam that he personally performed to test my nerve/muscle responses told him that I had nerve damage from the ankle/foot damages. He finally sent me to a pain management specialist with diagnosis of complex regional pain syndrome. I have learned so much during this entire ordeal! I was supposed to get a nerve block, but based on my own research (I have an edge since in my young adulthood I took courses, worked with microbiologists and neurologists), and with what I've learned here on this site, I've decided against that procedure. I have other long-standing central nervous system issues that play into my decision. Instead of what to me is an invasive procedure of a nerve block, I finally accepted what 3 doctors within my medical team have suggested for at least a couple of years: medicinal marijuana. I got the authorization form, submitted it to a certified dispensary, and am awaiting a phone call from their pharmacy (I want to discuss several points). This will hopefully bring me some relief since my system is so seriously adverse to ANY pain meds! My goal is to bring an acceptable "quality of life" to my world since I am care provider for my husband, who also has several complex neurological and cardiac issues. Gotta take care of myself so I can help him😊! As I said, you have to seek info, brainstorm and investigate, ask questions, and be best informed so you can decide what is best for YOU. God be with you in your journey🙏🏽.

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@delia74 and @skylee WOW! It's crazy scary to me how similar our situations are ... My heart goes out to both of you, truly. If yall got any other questions for me that maybe I could answer to help yall, be my guest to ask. Thank you for sharing your stories, it helps and encourages so many people, and I know it also helps you in the long run to share and be advocates for others. Couldn't be more grateful! 🙂


At my oncologist sometimes the nurse taking my blood goes for my hand(my right hand ) which is used 24/7 since my let side is paralyzed. It hurts and they don't get it or care. Then it's a whole show and dance. Bend in the elbow is the easiest, most painless and fastest. Don't get the reluctance of some.


My wife had elbow surgery for nerve impingement and took her a year for her symptoms to resolve but they did. What does your surgeon say, perhaps he damaged a nerve?


Hello everyone, I apologize for not getting on here for a little while. I have been so busy. And I cannot thank you enough for all of your responses.
I will keep updating on here as things happen. Just in case some of you would like to know.
As of now, I have an appointment with my PCP on Thursday at 3:45. So, I will let you know what happens. Thank you and I wish you all a great week!


My wife had elbow surgery for nerve impingement and took her a year for her symptoms to resolve but they did. What does your surgeon say, perhaps he damaged a nerve?

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Hi, sorry to hear about your wife's surgery. Hope she is doing well now.
My surgeon did a fantastic job that was my right arm and it is doing well. This is happening on my left arm and started after the excruciating burning from the anesthesia went up my arm. Just at a loss ...have to figure it out. Thank you for responding and I will keep updating. I see my PCP on Thursday...
Have a great week


Hi, sorry to hear about your wife's surgery. Hope she is doing well now.
My surgeon did a fantastic job that was my right arm and it is doing well. This is happening on my left arm and started after the excruciating burning from the anesthesia went up my arm. Just at a loss ...have to figure it out. Thank you for responding and I will keep updating. I see my PCP on Thursday...
Have a great week

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Sorry I confused which arm . Sincerely hope ( and expect) you to find a remedy !


Hi, I apologize for not getting on here. I have been so busy. And I want to thank each of you for all of your helpful responses you are all Earth bound angels. I will keep updating on here for those interested and also to hopefully help someone in someway.
I went to my PCP yesterday and she did a manual nerve test on my arm. Ex. Pin prick, rubbed with rubber gloves on, and had me push and pull her hands. While the EMG I had done did not show anything wrong, this test proved a problem with my radial nerve. She said it is aggravated. How ironic so am I she said she does not know if the anesthesia went in the nerve the wrong way or if it just aggravated the nerve.
That makes me so mad that anesthesiologist should have stopped. At least to look and see if something was wrong. Because now I have this numbness and drop things every day for 5 months now. I have had an EMG and those are not fun. Had to see 3 doctors now, took steroids, and had manual nerve test.
Now I have to take gabapentin and do occupational therapy for 6 weeks. My PCP is hoping the medication and therapy will calm the nerve down. And it frustrates me because Friday is the last day for physical therapy on the atm I had surgery on. Had to do that for 4 months. So was so happy to be done. But now have to do 6 weeks for this crap!!!
If it is not better in 6 weeks, I have to get another EMG with my PCPs group neurologist and on my shoulder and neck to be sure there isn't more going on and an MRI on my arm.
So, I will know more in about 7 weeks, but as of now my radial nerve is for sure aggravated from the anesthesia they just can't say whether it went in the vein wrong or if it just aggravated it. Ugh!!!! So, frustrating!!!
Well, I hope you all have a great week and I will respond to any responses as soon as I can .. thank you


Sorry I confused which arm . Sincerely hope ( and expect) you to find a remedy !

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Hi it is surgery was on my right elbow. Now I am having problems with my left arm where the anesthesia was administered.


I wonder if a second opinion with another anesthesiologist would be of any help?
What does your primary care doctor have to say??
Good luck,

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Hi Jake , I went toy Primary physician yesterday. She did a manual nerve test ex. Pin stick, rubbed with rubber gloves on and had me push and pull her hands.
The test showed that I have a problem with my radial nerve. She said it is aggravated and doesn't know if the anesthesia went in the vein wrong or if it just aggravated the nerve. So now I have to take gabapentin and do occupational therapy for 6 weeks and see her when done with that.
We are hoping the meds and therapy will calm the nerve down and be fine. If not, then I will get an EMG with my primary doctors group neurologist on my neck and back to be sure there isnt anything more going on and get an MRI on my arm. So fingers crossed the meds and therapy work.
Thanks for the good luck I need it. I will be posting updates on here if you're interested. Have a good week.

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