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I was on a business trip last October, with a lot of walking through the airports and convention halls. I was experiencing a lot of pain in both hips ( I had bi-lateral replacements). In December last year, I went to my Orthopedic Surgeon for help. They were alarmed that I had metal on metal implants. They wanted to get the devices out as soon as possible, noting necrosis and tissue damage in both hips. along with suedo tumors. My blood tests came back with Cobalt levels at 8.9 and Chromium levels at 5.0. I had a revision on my left hip in March of this year.

While in the hospital, I had a number of doctors who were not assigned to me, come in to see me because they had never seen anyone with Cobalt and Chromium poisoning. The lack of knowledge was concerning, as I felt I knew more than they did. My Primary care physician has been very supportive and is trying to research the long term effects of heavy metal toxicity.

During the operation, there was evidence of metallosis and staining, with necrosis and a bio mass that was removed and sent for testing. The recovery was challenging, but I am walking every day. I met with my surgeon on Monday, and he wants to schedule a revision on the right hip for this November. My latest blood test was at 3.9 for Cobalt and 3.0 for Chromium. The surgeon stated that this was well over the levels to recommend removal of the old device.

I have had permanent nerve loss/damage to my feet, legs hands and face. My vision is also affected with my optic nerve showing damage as well. My implants have been systemically impacting me with over 17 years of damage.

I know that is a lot of information to consider...

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Replies to "I was on a business trip last October, with a lot of walking through the airports..."

Yikes, 2005 or right around there was exactly when the problems first surfaced and the implants were recalled. Did you not receive notice from your original surgeon or hospital to be tested some time between 20010 and 2012?

Let me say that I had the implants for 7 years, had all the symptoms your are reporting, except the optic nerve damage, and my other nerve damage was minor and has healed. I also had Graves Disease (hyperthyroid), tremors and heartbeat irregularities. Most of the symptoms subsided, and 11 years later, I am followed annually for Graves, tremors and rapid heartbeat.

I am not surprised by the lack of knowledge of chromium/cobalt metallosis - in the grand scheme of things, there are not a lot of us with this issue - especially at this late date. Many of us on Connect regularly experience doctors scratching their heads over our conditions. The complexity of the human body, and the breadth of things that can go wrong is truly mind-boggling.
Can you tell me why you are waiting for the second surgery?
Also, let me assure you that with your issues, and how long t has gone on, you need to be referred to rehab PT - someone who deals with multiple chronic issues, not just typical pot hip surgery exercises. This will be your best chance of regaining all you have lost.