← Return to Using either CBD and/or THC during Clonazepam discontinuance

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I’m coming off of a lot of various medications that should probably not have been prescribed I’m the first. The discontinuation is and I expect will unpleasant.

The last time I did this on my own I tried to us THC . Bad idea for me. Then I decided to add alcohol to this mix, REALLY bad idea. I ended up in prison (never broke a law in my 50 yr life) for 2.5 years.

Lessons Learned:

Don’t do it alone, I have two docs helping.

Diet and exercise seem to be the most effective solutions.

Be patient, it takes time for the body to adjust.

I wish you joy on you journey,


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Replies to "I’m coming off of a lot of various medications that should probably not have been prescribed..."

wow im sorry....and they didn't consider the fact that you were having a hared time mentally...hope you didn't have to be incarcerated long...not right...of course unless you did something really awful not a good way to heal. but looks like you are doing better now...