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Hiatal Hernia

Digestive Health | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (76)

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I have had a horrible cough for over ten years, and my doctor sent me to a pulmonologist, an allergist, etc. and NO one told me to go to a Gastro doctor, so I did so on my own as I "felt" it was between my lungs and esophagus so was diagnosed with a 5 cm hernia. The surgeon recommended what you had done , but I am nervous it won't go well. Can you tell me more about yours ?? ,, size, etc. I am a "foodie" and a cook, but try to eat healthy, no carbonated drinks -don't like them anyway !! I am an athlete, although much older, I play pickle ball and biking but feel that my stamina would also be better, besides not gagging with an uncontrollable cough ,sometimes out in public !! ugh !! sleep?? , would LOVE to sleep better !!!!
PS I next have to have 2 tests before he will do anything,very nervous as they have to stick a tube up my nose ,down my throat and has to stay in for 24 hr. !!!!
1 - espphageal manometry
2 - 2h ph testing

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Replies to "I have had a horrible cough for over ten years, and my doctor sent me to..."

I’m not a doctor, but I had surgery for hiatal hernia a year ago. I refused to do those tests. I had an endoscopy and barium swallow. I thought those two tests were enough!

Oh dear that sounds awful and it sounds exactly like my cough except my hernia is smaller. So far. I’m always afraid that my wracking will enlarge it! It really does translate into a quality of life thing. I’ve avoided the procedures you’re talking about and instead watch my food intake and take 10mg Omeprazole every morning, Pepcid before dinner. I will still cough til I gag often and it is exhausting but the diet modifications and not eating for hours before bed helps a bit. Others here have done that 24hour test. Hope someone here can ease your mind about it. Good luck.