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Anastazole for breast cancer and memory loss?

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Aug 15, 2023 | Replies (66)

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A bit off the point maybe, but I can say with the utmost certainty, that Anastrozole is tge cause if my back pain!! I had MRI on 13 July and got results this morning. No secondary cancer, which was my biggest fear, no arthritis. I have age related, I’m 71, wear and tare!! Thus woukd not account for my back and joint pain to the extent the amount that I’m suffering. I spoke to my breast care nurse in Magnolia clinic this morning- much better than going through my gp surgery, and she read out the results of my MRI and explained it to me. She also read out a letter from my oncologist who said ‘ there is no point changing me from Anastrozole to exemestane ad I woukd have the same side effects!! I can’t write down here what I said by suffice to say a medication change is in the making. I was so angry to hear this arrow man tell me he knew all about the side effects of Anastrozole!! Had great been taking it for nearly 2 years!!’ 🤣🤣The relief of my good results outweighed this man for about 5 mins. I sent email to my GP saying I wanted nothing more to do with this arrogant man- he is obviously an expert in womens bodies🤬. The cheek of him!! They saying goes like this - walk a mile in my shoes and then tell me you know how I feel!! The wine is opened and I’m going to relax and have a lovely lunch. The fear in me over the last few weeks, in fact the last year is indescribable. I know you ladies in here know what I mean. Slainte and love from s very happy Irish ☘️ woman ❤️❤️❤️

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Replies to "A bit off the point maybe, but I can say with the utmost certainty, that Anastrozole..."

So happy you are back in control with good news. Stay in touch! ❤️❤️❤️❤️