Shingrix and peripheral neuropathy

Posted by joannerhodes @joannerhodes, Feb 1, 2019

4 days after my 2nd Shingrix vaccination, I suddenly developed intense peripheral neuropathy in both feet...for the first time in my life...anyone else?

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I also developed PN after the Covid vaccine but when I asked several of my doctors including my neurologist if it could be due to the Covid Vaccine, they could not give me that answer. May I asked if your doctor came to this conclusion that you developed sensory and motor peripheral neuropathy due to the Covid vaccine or was the diagnosis made by process of elimination. How did the doctor reach that diagnosis?

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One clue was the temporal association; my neurological symptoms began within 2 weeks of the Covid vaccine. The rapid onset of peripheral neuropathy in a healthy, active person was fairly unusual. Some symptoms were unusual, e.g. the extreme aggravation of the nerve pain and numbness in my feet and calves when in a seated position. My initial EMG was normal and then the EMG rapidly deteriorated at the same time that my ANA titer increased 4-fold while my neurological symptoms were peaking. This finding indicates an autoimmune attack on my nerves most likely provoked by the vaccine. My sweat test for small-fiber neuropathy showed mild SFN damage over my entire body, which is also atypical in length-dependent peripheral neuropathy. In addition, most vaccine-injured people have roughly the same timeline with symptoms peaking at 8-9 months and then slowly improving. The strongest evidence is my continued, slow improvement after stopping the vaccines. For example, I lost my knee and ankle reflexes. At 2 years, my knee reflexes have returned, which is rare. Although there is no direct test that can prove I am vaccine-injured (except perhaps sending blood to Germany to measure spike protein levels), the combined indirect evidence is convincing.


This just happened to me after getting the Shingles vaccine. I thought maybe i wore new sandles or something, but now it's been 3 weeks and the foot pain has not gone away. I hope I don't have to live with this forever. Not getting shot #2. Anyone else have more info on this?


Yes! I got the shot 3 weeks ago and my feet have been in severe pain ever since! Any ideas of what to do? Will it last forever?


Yes! I got the shot 3 weeks ago and my feet have been in severe pain ever since! Any ideas of what to do? Will it last forever?

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Wow. I'd discuss with doctor. As more cases come forward perhaps this will be investigated more. Good luck!


The original Shingles vaccine consisted of a live virus. The Shingrix vaccine does not, which makes it presumably safer than the previous vaccine. However, Shingrix can cause all kinds of problems with underlying conditions that you may not even remember or know about (like peripheral neuropathy) and it can cause GBS (rare but it does happen). This vaccine has caused me a lot of nerve pain that is very scary to deal with - and I rue the day I trusted the health profession to administer it to me to prevent shingles when in fact what I deal with now as a result of the vaccine is (in my opinion) worse than getting shingles because I have no idea if it will ever end.

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I am sorry you are dealing with this. It is interesting to hear people mention nerve pain or neuropathy with Shingrix despite the fact that it is not a live virus. I often wonder it if contributed to my neuropathy. I hope that over time the powers that be research this issue. I'm pretty upset myself too, but I can't really point to Shingrix as the only factor. Still I wonder. Thanks for your comments. Everyone who contributes provides such helpful information.


I am sorry you are dealing with this. It is interesting to hear people mention nerve pain or neuropathy with Shingrix despite the fact that it is not a live virus. I often wonder it if contributed to my neuropathy. I hope that over time the powers that be research this issue. I'm pretty upset myself too, but I can't really point to Shingrix as the only factor. Still I wonder. Thanks for your comments. Everyone who contributes provides such helpful information.

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I am not having Shingrx for that reason.


Hello, any other information on this? I have developed neuropathy in both feet and legs get very ‘heavy.’ I was in the USMC for 30 years and was very active, never had a problem. Got this vax when I turned 50 (almost seven years ago). I have had all bloodwork, MRI, nerve function test, etc. Dr.s have no idea what the cause is, just that I have it. I stumbled across this site while doing research and now realize this started shortly after the vax - never put 2 and 2 together until now. Is there any relief? Thank you all!


Hello, any other information on this? I have developed neuropathy in both feet and legs get very ‘heavy.’ I was in the USMC for 30 years and was very active, never had a problem. Got this vax when I turned 50 (almost seven years ago). I have had all bloodwork, MRI, nerve function test, etc. Dr.s have no idea what the cause is, just that I have it. I stumbled across this site while doing research and now realize this started shortly after the vax - never put 2 and 2 together until now. Is there any relief? Thank you all!

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My case is the same . Idiopathic and now the neurologist has diagnosed CIDP after 9 months of tests both blood and nerve conducting and waiting for follow up appointments.
He has advised to get IVIG treatment to stop the progression as it’s an immune response.
However I went downhill from being active after the Shringvax injection…Also Covid vaccinations were in full swing 5 of them .
Nothing can be proved and I’ve read that Doctors don’t like making a fuss over vaccines as it’s a controversial subject.
It it what it is anyway . There are so many forms of Neuropathy..At first my diagnosis was small and long fibre Neuropathy now it’s Chronic Inflammatory Demyelating Polyneuropathy…5 days in hospital coming up next week then monthly for as long as it takes..
I hope your diagnosis has a better outcome…good luck.


My case is the same . Idiopathic and now the neurologist has diagnosed CIDP after 9 months of tests both blood and nerve conducting and waiting for follow up appointments.
He has advised to get IVIG treatment to stop the progression as it’s an immune response.
However I went downhill from being active after the Shringvax injection…Also Covid vaccinations were in full swing 5 of them .
Nothing can be proved and I’ve read that Doctors don’t like making a fuss over vaccines as it’s a controversial subject.
It it what it is anyway . There are so many forms of Neuropathy..At first my diagnosis was small and long fibre Neuropathy now it’s Chronic Inflammatory Demyelating Polyneuropathy…5 days in hospital coming up next week then monthly for as long as it takes..
I hope your diagnosis has a better outcome…good luck.

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I hope everything goes well with you! Mine hasn’t progressed much in the past couple years… feet numb, burning, tingling, etc. Some days are worse than others. I’ve also got a strange rash on the back of both ankles which no Dr says they have ever seen before (pics attached). It’s always there but some days worse than others… doesn’t hurt and I don’t see a correlation between the neuropathy severity at the time and the rash. Also, as I said, my legs (thighs) feel heavy and tired. Vascular (arterial) study was good but they have ordered a veinous study to see if that is okay. I get health care through the VA so things don’t proceed quickly. My biggest fear is it spreading up through my body. Not 100% sure this started right after the shingrax vax as memory is hazy but it seems like it’s possible based on what I can remember (for example I remember going away for my 50th b-day and definitely NOT having feet issues and then I got the vax and now here we are). I only got the J&J COVID vax once and have never had COVID.

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