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Week 3 post TKR

Joint Replacements | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (100)

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I'm just past the 2 week mark and am making little progress. My home PT chastised me for not putting the work in and told me I should be on a cane by now. I am sleep depraved, nauseated, can't eat, barely drink, dehydrated from over a week of diarrhea, hot and cold flashes but no fever, weak, and dizzy. How can I put the work in when I'm so sick? Now I'm terrified that I have ruined my recovery. Will I be able to recover 100%? My home health nurse says I have a bug. She took the staples out and the incision looks good, so there isn't an infection. Not sure what to do. I only had oxycodone for the first week but am taking Methocarbam 750 MG every 6 hours. It is a muscle relaxant.

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Replies to "I'm just past the 2 week mark and am making little progress. My home PT chastised..."

Sorry to hear …. I hate to say but possibly might be the med you are taking…… I am no dr but if it started when you started meds maybe it’s worth a look …. call dr maybe they can help ….,you are correct you need to be moving it is an important time in your recovery, I hope you figure this out so you can get moving you will feel so much better….

Are you sure you aren’t allergic yo your medicine? Your home health nurse obviously has never had a TKR. For some it’s harder. I had my 2nd one this year. Much harder this time than 6 years ago when I had my 1st one. One day at a time. Just keep working it will happen it just may take longer to get through it. But you will get there. A PT Facility might be better for you if possible. Good Luck!

What do you mean - a home health nurse took your staples out? All incisions are closed now without visible stitches, much less staples. And a nurse would not perform this procedure outside of a medical office. And why would your dr prescribe a muscle relaxant when you should still be managing pain? Maybe I'm missing something, but this isn't adding up. Also, it's much more likely you'd be experiencing constipation rather than diarrhea, due to the oxy.

As for ruining your recovery, the exercises post-op don't require a lot of exertion, mostly flexing and extending the knee.