Stage 4 endometrial cancer with ascites

Posted by cindysj @cindysj, Jul 24, 2023

My sister has stage four endometrial cancer. She does not yet have a treatment that will stop the growth of the cancer. One of the worst places that the cancer has metastasized to is the liver. She is having major problems with ascites. She cannot eat more than a few bites of food, and then vomits. Where can I find more information about ascites??

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@cindysj This is a very difficult position for you and your family who are all so far away from your sister. Since your sister decided to go ahead with the new drug therapy it sounds like her GYNOncologist is thinking about all possible options to discuss with Judy. I’m curious where your anxiety about Judy’s decision comes from? You wrote that the new drug therapy may not help directly with the ascites but could it help to reduce the cancer tumors? I’m not a medical professional so I don’t know what helps to reduce ascites other than treating the source. I have known people who have ascites due to liver disease (not cancer, it was cirrhosis) and the ascites reduced when the liver disease was treated.

In my experience the anxiety is present when we worry about our loved one whether we are present at their side or far away from them. I tried to help both my mother and father make decisions about their own respective health problems but in the end it was their own decision. I had to learn to give up the « control » and realize that even if I thought I would do something differently it wasn’t up to me. I was frustrated, sad and yes, very anxious. Does this sound at all familiar to you?

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I think I am anxious because it seems like my sister is running out of medical options. Even if I lived close to her, there’s nothing I could do about that.

She is 10 years younger than I am. I have survived two different breast cancers for over 20 years. My brother is a five year colon cancer survivor. She has had cancer for just over a year and tried so many treatments that did not work.

Thanks for asking.


Tell her to add Losartan to her regimen with Dr. concurrence. Also lowers BP. That can be managed pretty easily.
Cheap with minimal side effects but should increase effectiveness of Chemo treatments and reduce ascites.

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Thank you. I will let her know about your recommendation.


Have her research the use of Losartan to reduce ascites.


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You are the second person to suggest losartan. I will share that information with my sister.


@cindysj I thought I would check back in with you. How are you feeling tonight? How is your sister?


You are the second person to suggest losartan. I will share that information with my sister.

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Start with this Link and stay strong. My wife has Ovarian Cancer Stage 3A. Over 3 years. Now on Gezar& Mvasi.


@cindysj I thought I would check back in with you. How are you feeling tonight? How is your sister?

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Cried my way through Sunday morning. Blessedly, I have many friends at my church, who hugged and laughed with me later. Last night my sister told me that her next treatment still has not been approved by insurance. Both she and her doctor are concerned about that because in getting started… Time is of the essence.

I appreciate you checking in.


Cried my way through Sunday morning. Blessedly, I have many friends at my church, who hugged and laughed with me later. Last night my sister told me that her next treatment still has not been approved by insurance. Both she and her doctor are concerned about that because in getting started… Time is of the essence.

I appreciate you checking in.

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@cindysj, any update about your sister's treatment approval? How are you doing?

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