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I think they can "generally" remove any element from your cocktail to address symptoms, they just can't add anything unapproved. But in some cases there is a synergy between two ingredients of the cocktail, and reducing the dose of one could diminish the effectiveness of another, so that has to be weighed.

In my 12 rounds of pre-Whipple Folfirinox, we reduced the Oxaliplatin by somewhere from 10%-25% during the last four to reduce the peripheral neuropathy. I also had to take an antihistamine (Zyrtec) with most of infusions to prevent complete sinus drainage. I had a little bit of the tongue acting like a dead appendage messing with my speech, and occasional swallowing difficulty a few days after treatment, but not permanent.

Since post-Whipple recurrence, I've had 14 biweekly infusions of Abraxane + Gemcitabine + Cisplatin. Docs believe the Cisplatin is a big helper with my ATM mutation. Aside from total hair loss and neuropathy comparable to the Folfirinox, I've had a much better reaction (CA19-9 reduction) on this cocktail (AGC) than I did on the big F. I wonder where I'd be now if we had started me there before the Whipple...

For both chemo regiments, I added two Imodium AD caplets the night before treatment and one the morning of treatment to help minimize the need for potty breaks, and it has worked very well.

Mayo has some lodging assistance options (American Cancer Society Hope Lodge at several locations, and some smaller independent ones like the Gabriel House in Jacksonville) that are nice and affordable if you need an extended stay,

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Replies to "I think they can "generally" remove any element from your cocktail to address symptoms, they just..."

I try to post one time on each thread regarding the advisability of relocating to the center of excellence - they are significantly more capable at addressing this specific cancer, can far more quickly assess your response, and maintain a much closer eye on your specific dosing and chemical mixtures - their shorter and more knowledgeable response time to your issues is key.

I recognize this is difficult and takes one away from family, but believe it is far more likely to result in better outcomes.