Do you have an inspiring or favorite quote to share?

Posted by Zebra @californiazebra, Jun 21, 2023

I'll start with three quotes from the very inspiring Helen Keller as noted in "Your Year of Healing" book by Amit Sood, MD:

"Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of the overcoming of it."

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched -- they must be felt with the heart."

"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much."

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Thanks we could split a billion dollars on appeal. My husband currently and the first one were both attorneys. We talk the talk and walk the walk. Ha!

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Well well! We're birds of a feather!! My late husband was an attorney too! And I was a Legal Secretary and then promoted to Office Supervisor with 125 Legal secretaries and 85 lawyers to look after. I loved it.


Well well! We're birds of a feather!! My late husband was an attorney too! And I was a Legal Secretary and then promoted to Office Supervisor with 125 Legal secretaries and 85 lawyers to look after. I loved it.

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My current husband was Lead Councel for Slumberjey (SP?) and traveled with world and had over 100 attorneys reporting to him. He is a fine "gentleman", honorable, kind, generous et al.


My current husband was Lead Councel for Slumberjey (SP?) and traveled with world and had over 100 attorneys reporting to him. He is a fine "gentleman", honorable, kind, generous et al.

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Your husband sounds lovely...and brilliant too.
I miss my days with the law firm. "They were the best of days, they were the worst of days".


@artist01 and @olderdiva12345 you both have hilarious senses of humor! You are like two happy legal eagles.
Which reminds of the friendly law adage:
Old lawyers never die. They just lose their appeal.


Your husband sounds lovely...and brilliant too.
I miss my days with the law firm. "They were the best of days, they were the worst of days".

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And they were your most appealing and busy days?


And my husband had a laugh at that which he has heard througout his career. Thanks artist01.


My current husband was Lead Councel for Slumberjey (SP?) and traveled with world and had over 100 attorneys reporting to him. He is a fine "gentleman", honorable, kind, generous et al.

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Yikes. It's Slumbergey. Can't spell OR argue being married to an attorney twice! Good Greif but they each got an earful during any disputes as does anyone with whom I hardely disagree.


Wisdom comes with age…sometimes age comes alone.

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It is my most desired wish that in the Winter of our lives can be heightened by someone we love and adore and that we will not be alone. We shall cross that bridge one day and meet all of our loved ones human, canine, feline, etc. That is my wish.

In reply to @olderdiva12345 "Same here. Nice one!" + (show)

Same here. Nice one!

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I am going die trying as well and that also goes for those of us who are true "Ladies" with regard to our appearances, fashions, ettiquette and attitude. Never give in and never give up. That's me.


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you

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