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Topical creams and lotions for Small Fiber Neuropathy

Neuropathy | Last Active: Dec 2, 2023 | Replies (86)

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Thanks! Wishing you luck with your follow-up and hope you’re able to find some answers and guidance. At the very least, for the bursitis pain, if it doesn’t calm down with anti-inflammatories, hopefully PT would help with that. I had/have this too, and it thankfully improved with PT, but wow bursitis pain can really burn.

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Replies to "Thanks! Wishing you luck with your follow-up and hope you’re able to find some answers and..."

@eno, @ch47, @day333 and all...I've tried everything from Voltarin cream which does give me some relief to ease things enough to relax my legs and feet some; tried magnesium cream that is helpful, but not enough; and multiple other creams and oils which did not much but helped my dry skin some...didn't resolve the issues.
Then, I was prescribed a steroid cream to use sparingly on my arms for the Sarcoid rash, for 2 weeks at a time since it begins to cause side effects such as thin skin and such. I used it one night on my feet and legs during a serious attack of burning and needles sticking, heat, etc. It was great! I now use that cream when I have a worse than normal attack and I'm thrilled with the results. It also resolved the rash on my legs that caused bumps so big, red, and irritating. They are gone. They may have been Sarcoid or vasculitis, don't know, don't care. It worked and resolved the issue. Now, I use CBD lotion several nights weekly on my arms and legs. I get it from Winged Wellness online. It has been very helpful in keeping legs, feet, arms, hands, shoulders, and neck free of rash, with fewer flares with pins and burning and pain. I'm very pleased.

I think I have a plan now that works well for me. Hopefully, some of my information will help you with this at times horrible discomfort. I have RLS and take Requip every evening. By taking it earlier than bedtime, it is helping me a lot with the RLS, and these creams added are making a huge difference in my nights.

Blessings as you walk this journey...Elizabeth

You all are a wonderful support system…

Good evening…
I know we are all different, but from your bursitis diagnosis until healing/feeling ok, how long did it take? I have had this pain for years, and was just diagnosed about a month ago, with help from my pelvic pt. Noting the medical name for each area that hurt to take to a doctor to ask what kind of doctor I should see to treat. Can’t believe no one was able to catch this before…

@emo, @ch47, @ch47 and all...I have a small suggestion to add to your great conversation here about various pain issues from bones, bursitis, muscles and tendons, soft tissue issues, fibromyalgia, stress and tension, Sarcoidosis pain, and whatever. I use the creams as discussed. But, one of the most helpful in whole-body pain and discomfort for me is an hour 2X weekly in the therapy pool at my local PT rehab facility. It's a 95-degree water pool with a trained aquatic physical therapist overseeing and assisting as needed.

I love this time of pure joy, peace, quiet, relaxation, and freedom from my body's discomfort.
The minute my foot steps on the first step into the pool, I have a lovely reaction of joy...my body begins the process of letting go, the muscles begin to relax, and the pain lessens almost immediately. I use some of the time moving and walking, at times I do steps and march in place holding on to the sides. Most recently, since I've been far less active in my life, I use the time for relaxation inside and out, in my body and my head.

I go to the deeper end, dangling holding onto a bar so my feet drop straight down, usually with 4-pound ankle weights. I do this for as long as is comfortable. It seems to pull down my legs, straighten my body and spine, giving my spine relief. I have multiple herniated discs and vertebrae issues, so this is very helpful. I was 5' 11" as a young woman. I developed severe osteoporosis at age 35, had a broken vertebrae and other issues, and am currently measuring 5'6" in height. I stand fairly straight for a 76-year-old woman, with no hump or much curve to reduce height. Obviously, this had created pain and discomfort for years, my poor body is finding new places for organs to land I presume which may create some issues as well. It's a lousy issue affecting my entire body, but the pool helps tremendously.

It's a referral from your PCP or whomever, but it's well worth the effort if you have the pool available. Water therapy of all kinds is a great help to most of us in my opinion.

I hope this helps you in this search for relief. Blessings. Elizabeth