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I am still on a lot of medication, I expect to be for sometime. I have found that each big change in my diet and exercise allows for small and on going changes in my medication.

I just decided with my provider to decrease the Venlafaxine (Effexor) by 37.5mg, leaving me on 437.5mg for at least the next month. I have a love/hate relationship with this drug and would like to reduce it faster. However, the discontinuation effects are horrible. I have a similar hard time stopping Lithium.

Fortunately I have a provider who supports me decreasing to zero (probably a pipe dream) all my meds if possible and a PCP that is helpful with dietary changes. I want to stress that for me this is a very slow process that I expect to take a lot of hard work and years to complete and might not be possible.

Finding the right providers was part luck and part education. They changed my mental health clinician at my clinic, from one who would do as I asked to a woman that had her own ideas about healthcare. We did not agree on everything, forcing me to educate myself to prove my point. In so doing I found that we were both right and that she could be that critical check on my charge ahead instincts. If I had a recommendation it would be to educate yourself on your diagnosis and whatever you put in your body. I’ve recommended a book “Brain Energy” by a Dr/Professor Palmer at Harvard and McLain. I do not have a financial interest in the book I promise, just a debt of gratitude.

I also had to change PCP’s because my last one left his practice. I was assigned one by my insurance company who was to far away, so I found one closer. It’s been about a year and so far I like her contributions. I don’t care for her Practice Manager, but I’ll wait her out.

I have found that putting my mental health above everything and I mean everything is absolutely necessary. I learned from Alcholics Anonomous forty years ago to put my sobriety first. If I wasn’t sober and clean I couldn't be anything to anyone else. I've come to believe that statement is true for life in general.

Changing my life has been simple but not easy! I had to stop eating many foods I like and starting eating some I don't like. I like to exercise so that was easy. I'm not sleep well, that kind of sucks, but it's getting better. What helps is the question I ask myself all the time, “ is this going to make me feel better”?

What also helps is I believe this is my last chance, so I cling to the rope like a man who will drown if he lets go. I no longer have the luxury of kicking the can done the road.

I wish you well on your journey. Remember you are loved!

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Replies to "I am still on a lot of medication, I expect to be for sometime. I have..."

Indeed, you're headed the right way - natural plant-based remedies, dietary changes and exercise, both physical and mental, will give you a far better remedy than big pharma. Good luck to you!