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Newbie & scared

Breast Cancer | Last Active: Sep 27, 2023 | Replies (122)

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I already met the oncologist - the same week I met the surgeon, as they decided on a recommendation of what to do first. They decided on the surgery first which was fine with me. I'm now recovering from that, as noted elsewhere. I am now scheduled to return to the oncologist in 2-3 weeks. I like her a lot. She is a fellow, having practiced as a pathologist first and now getting additional training to work as an oncologist. Thus she has a sharper knowledge of the pathology behind it all than the average doctor. I am low on most risk factors with the glaring exception of being triple negative.

If the team should recommend against doing chemo, I will seek out a second opinion. (I think they will, BTW, but you never know.) I really don't cherish the idea of having chemo at all but I have read that 40% of triple negative patients have recurrence in the first few years. Even more importantly, IMO, is that the recurrence might not make its appearance in a relatively harmless location like the other breast. It could be in my liver, my brain, my bones. This is the stuff that can kill you in addition to making you suffer a lot in the process. I would rather go through shorter term suffering now, if there's a chance it will protect me later. I know there's no guarantee about anything, including my lifespan, but I would hate to forego the treatment now and possibly finding myself in stage 4 next year, wondering why I didn't do it.

Thanks for caring. I'll keep you posted. It helps to have others who speak the language.

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Replies to "I already met the oncologist - the same week I met the surgeon, as they decided..."

I agree with this thought, it has been a day or two (19 years) but I took every single treatment they said to take because I knew I had a very aggressive cancer and I never wanted to reg giving it my all.
It was a year of pretty hard things, it wasn’t easy but it was do able and I have had no regrets.
Triple negative research has made a few strides lately in treatments, so there are more tools to treat with.

@mkb4435 - I too am TNBC but I'm also BRCA2+ I chose to throw everything at it now while I'm healthy and able to mentally and physically handle things. I had chemo first to shrink the lump, then surgery (bilateral and I went flat) and since the margin wasn't clear I had radiation - it was 18 months of treatments, lots of scans and tests and I'm now considered "in remission" and the only thing left for me is to now start Lynparza which was approved for BC with BRCA+ patients. Hopefully that is only for a year.

I've been told that TNBC is more aggressive so that is why I chose to do everything. But as you said there is no guarantees.