Life after death

Posted by zombies1976 @zombies1976, Jul 24, 2023

Just wondering if anyone out there wonders what actually happens when you die.I am a deep thinker and since the death of my son ive been confused about religion I think the Bible has been changed so many times I don't trust it but yet I still believe in God and I don't know if its from being brain washed or real anyone else ever think about this stuff I would like to have conversation with someone who is open minded..

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@zombies1976 Hey there friend, it would be my utmost pleasure to answer any questions that you have about this. I've known God personally and intimately since age 6 and I'm now 33. I've walked with Him for many years and know His Word inside-n-out (that's not to brag, just extending comfort to you in that I'm very familiar with what's in it, the history etc). I'm a 5th year seminary student and deeply in love with the One true God - it is my deepest desire to share with this world the love of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I would love to introduce you to Him and answer any questions you might have. I know, for certain, the answer to your main question you have posted above, but maybe conversing thru PM might be better on this setting. I'm totally wide open, as you say...let me know. I'm here for you and care so much. 🙂 - Karen


My main approach is to show respect for other people's religions and spiritual approaches. I'm no kind of true believer. As a Jew, I'm pretty much out of the mainstream in the USA, a minority. I have friends who are Muslim (Shi'a), Catholic, Episcopalian, Native American (following somewhat different traditions, including Pueblo and Yupik,), New Pagan, Buddhist (Zen and Mahayana) and more. I'm always interested in learning about humanity's religions. I think it is quite possible to experience different states of consciousness and of spirituality without a dogmatic approach. I like going with people I know to houses of worship and holiday celebrations. I really fear a fundamentalist approach as it has led to centuries of oppression and genocide across the globe in many settings. When the torah instructs me to love my neighbor as myself it certainly includes neighbors who do not believe what I do.


With reference to the Bible and God. Please read the book "A Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel.
This book is very interesting as it was written by an atheist. I strongly urge you to read it and then see how you feel. Plus I think it would help you in many way.


When I was 26 I had a post partum hemorrage. When the EMT'S lifted me off my bed at home, I passed out and did not regain conciousness until I arrived at the hospital. I was given heart stimulus, and 5 pints of blood. When I regained consiousness, I told my husband how wonderful it was. I could not explain the feeling to him, except to say it was wonderful. Obviously, something happend. What! I don't know, only that it was wonderful. I also lost my daughter (she was 47) so I know your painl I hope my experience will bring you some joy.

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@gina5009 you have gone through much. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter as well. Losses are hard to overcome. Fortunately, I have a strong spiritual connection and am certain that I am loved beyond measure by my Creator God.
Perhaps what you felt was His love pouring into you. When you recovered, you knew you were loved and cared for beyond measure. That is a glorious experience!
Blessings on you and your family


My inner light went out the day he died,
And I vowed to live the rest of my life without it.

My entire world went dark until, miraculously:
I saw his light in places we used to go;
I saw his light in people we once knew;
I saw his light in those of us he loved
Brightly shining as if to say "I'm still here!".

One day I saw his light in me
And I vowed to live the rest of my life
sharing it.


My inner light went out the day he died,
And I vowed to live the rest of my life without it.

My entire world went dark until, miraculously:
I saw his light in places we used to go;
I saw his light in people we once knew;
I saw his light in those of us he loved
Brightly shining as if to say "I'm still here!".

One day I saw his light in me
And I vowed to live the rest of my life
sharing it.

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Morning Lagrange~
Your thread caught my eye. I'm sure it will also resonate with many more who are suffering from the pain of loss.
The love of my life, for over 47 years passed away in 2021. My beloved son also passed in 2017..that's also a loss that never finds peace within my soul.

I totally get what you wrote about our loved ones 'being there' for us in so many ways. As low as my heart can sink, at times..I do also get the rewards of 'them' coming back to me. About a week after my son died..I was driving and all of a sudden he was sitting right next to me and had his hand casually on my shoulder..(I could feel the weight of his hand)...he wasn't 47 and was about 19 and healthy! We shared a few frankly, I was just there to witness this remarkable happening and I didn't want to upset anything with mere words..other than I told him I loved him and would always ..he told me the same..and that he was "ok"...and that he would always look out for me. And then he was gone...poof....I came home and took out a container of family pictures...the first one I turned over was how "Jason" appeared to me in my car that day! Same shirt and pants...standing..looking over the cliff to the ocean with a sweet smile on his face...young and healthy!
We have since had a few conversations....nothing planned..but every once in awhile..I'll hear his voice.."Hi mom" and there he my ethereal head-space, I guess one can call it. I'm a witness to this happening...I hear my soul talking to him..and his answers...all very brief, but enough for me to feel better about not having him in my earth-plane life any longer. I also reached out to him when my husband passed and asked him to take care of my sweet Perry...I heard back..."I've got him".....that's all I've needed to feel more peace in my heart.
None of this is easy, for sure...I never thought about the physical as well as the mental and emotional pain of losing loved ones before. Some days, hours, are worse than others ...but lately..I'm realizing and feeling the presence of lost loves..not only my husband's and son's, but close friends as well. I've never been a lucky lottery has ever picked one number I had picked...but since their passing and being totally alone now...I'm finding that my life is working out better than I could have imagined or thought it could many strange ways that I couldn't tell anyone..fearing they would just call me a nut...but I know me and also know that 'energy' cannot be destroyed.
So in this chaotic and troubled world we all find ourselves in now..I am also allowing goodness and happiness to enter into my broken heart and I am now beginning to 'feel' a healing and resolve. This is giving me a new outlook on what life I have left to find joy and happiness in the gossamer magic of nothing really....just being 'me' my loved ones are still around me...I'm so fortunate, indeed.
I wish you the very best on your path...


Morning Lagrange~
Your thread caught my eye. I'm sure it will also resonate with many more who are suffering from the pain of loss.
The love of my life, for over 47 years passed away in 2021. My beloved son also passed in 2017..that's also a loss that never finds peace within my soul.

I totally get what you wrote about our loved ones 'being there' for us in so many ways. As low as my heart can sink, at times..I do also get the rewards of 'them' coming back to me. About a week after my son died..I was driving and all of a sudden he was sitting right next to me and had his hand casually on my shoulder..(I could feel the weight of his hand)...he wasn't 47 and was about 19 and healthy! We shared a few frankly, I was just there to witness this remarkable happening and I didn't want to upset anything with mere words..other than I told him I loved him and would always ..he told me the same..and that he was "ok"...and that he would always look out for me. And then he was gone...poof....I came home and took out a container of family pictures...the first one I turned over was how "Jason" appeared to me in my car that day! Same shirt and pants...standing..looking over the cliff to the ocean with a sweet smile on his face...young and healthy!
We have since had a few conversations....nothing planned..but every once in awhile..I'll hear his voice.."Hi mom" and there he my ethereal head-space, I guess one can call it. I'm a witness to this happening...I hear my soul talking to him..and his answers...all very brief, but enough for me to feel better about not having him in my earth-plane life any longer. I also reached out to him when my husband passed and asked him to take care of my sweet Perry...I heard back..."I've got him".....that's all I've needed to feel more peace in my heart.
None of this is easy, for sure...I never thought about the physical as well as the mental and emotional pain of losing loved ones before. Some days, hours, are worse than others ...but lately..I'm realizing and feeling the presence of lost loves..not only my husband's and son's, but close friends as well. I've never been a lucky lottery has ever picked one number I had picked...but since their passing and being totally alone now...I'm finding that my life is working out better than I could have imagined or thought it could many strange ways that I couldn't tell anyone..fearing they would just call me a nut...but I know me and also know that 'energy' cannot be destroyed.
So in this chaotic and troubled world we all find ourselves in now..I am also allowing goodness and happiness to enter into my broken heart and I am now beginning to 'feel' a healing and resolve. This is giving me a new outlook on what life I have left to find joy and happiness in the gossamer magic of nothing really....just being 'me' my loved ones are still around me...I'm so fortunate, indeed.
I wish you the very best on your path...

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Hello @bunky44.

Thank you for sharing your journey. Jason loves you. Perry loves you. They always will. Their physicality is gone, but their spirit lives on. Clearly the love that was created among you was so strong and vibrant that it transcends death itself.

It has been said that when our bodies die, then our souls, the energy life force within us, continues to exist. Theologians agree and disagree about how and where that occurs.

From your description the souls of your beloved Jason and Perry will always be near you. I believe you actually have won the lottery. The wealth of love, the wealth of goodness you have created is more powerful than physical demise. You sound like someone who has found clarity in chaos.

When you are alone and lonely at home, just close your eyes and they can be there.
They will always be there so long as you remember them.


Translations can differ. I believe the Jewish Bible contains the Book of Esther and that the Christian does not. The books of the Jewish Bible are in a different order than the Christian. Jewish thought and religion rely on midrash or commentary on the Bible--there is no fixed text in Judaism. For example, "an eye for an eye" in rabbinic thinking means that if you injure someone you need to pay for that, whatever a court orders. I think the Jewish approach is less known than the Christian in the USA but I've been in an interfaith group for many years and learned a lot from other people. I'm Jewish, and I read the torah, psalms, and prophets almost daily. As an English speaker I enjoy the KJV but it is not that accurate from the Hebrew. More than one version is good!

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@mir123 you are right in that the Jewish version of the Bible - the Torah - is different from the Christian Bible, and it is the Christian Bible I was referring to. All Christian Bibles are exactly the same with the exception of language, and the difference between the Catholic and Protestant Bibles is the Catholic Bible has all the Books (Maccabees, etc.) whereas the Protestants have left those Books out. The content, however, remains the same otherwise.


@mir123 you are right in that the Jewish version of the Bible - the Torah - is different from the Christian Bible, and it is the Christian Bible I was referring to. All Christian Bibles are exactly the same with the exception of language, and the difference between the Catholic and Protestant Bibles is the Catholic Bible has all the Books (Maccabees, etc.) whereas the Protestants have left those Books out. The content, however, remains the same otherwise.

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How interesting! Maccabees etc. would be considered Apocrypha in the Jewish Bible, along with Susannah, Tobias, and a few others. In Judaism the first five books--of Moses--compose the torah and the rest of the Jewish Bible is Prophets and "writings" which is psalms, proverbs, et al. I'm less familiar with Prophets, which to my surprise includes Judges, Samuel 1 & 2, etc. I'm actually loving the rise of kings, Saul, and David, and more. It feels relatable in a contemporary way.


Hello @bunky44.

Thank you for sharing your journey. Jason loves you. Perry loves you. They always will. Their physicality is gone, but their spirit lives on. Clearly the love that was created among you was so strong and vibrant that it transcends death itself.

It has been said that when our bodies die, then our souls, the energy life force within us, continues to exist. Theologians agree and disagree about how and where that occurs.

From your description the souls of your beloved Jason and Perry will always be near you. I believe you actually have won the lottery. The wealth of love, the wealth of goodness you have created is more powerful than physical demise. You sound like someone who has found clarity in chaos.

When you are alone and lonely at home, just close your eyes and they can be there.
They will always be there so long as you remember them.

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Sharing our losses with others...opens up our hearts to more healing..more understanding. Being vulnerable once again..daring our voices to be heard brings us all into another aspect of ourselves we never thought we had.

I appreciate your kind words and all helps...thank you.

I may be on my own now...but my light shines within for 'them' to always know I'm here for them as well...whilst being cradled in their strong arms. I am truly blessed with this between my tears..I still see rainbows.....and lizards....Jason loved lizards...when I see them I say Hi to him....always present.

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