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I am feeling fabulous!! I have put 5 pounds back on, and in the process of doing a fine restaurant tour of Phoenix with my wife to get in all the fine dining we can squeeze in before surgery. I don't think I've eaten so much steak and lobster in my life. Even some good chardonnay. I am hoping for the best and preparing for the not so best. Every day is a blessing. Thanks for everyone's support.

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Replies to "I am feeling fabulous!! I have put 5 pounds back on, and in the process of..."

I am so very impressed with your uplifting attitude!!!! So important to keep positive.
I had esophagectomy surgery April, 2020 @ Mayo / Rochester. I was suppose to be in the hospital for 1 week but I contracted an infection in one of my drainage tubes and had to stay an additional week. My husband was so relieved. HaHa. Poor guy was worried about being an at home nurse.
I had the invasive surgery (don't remember now the technical term). They removed my esophagus and stretched my stomach up and attached to the remaining esophagus. Was a huge success!!! I had a J tube (feeding tube) in my intestine. No food or drink at all via mouth. Meds were crushed & dissolved in water then inserted into tube. Piece of cake really once you get the hang of it.
That really was the only hard thing about the whole experience was nothing in the mouth as my mouth and throat got so dry. You will be fine as it sounds like you are already the epitome of health & physical strength and have an excellent support system!!!! Just remember this is a big surgery and you NEED to give yourself time to heal and rest. Do not push it. Your body will tell you what you need to know if you pay attention. And don't be afraid to utilize them pain meds, they gave them to you for a reason. If your in pain, take them.
Good luck & prayers going out to you,