Hiatal Hernia

Posted by cantbelievethis @cantbelievethis, Jul 13, 2023

I would love to hear commentary from people who have a hiatal hernia and what you do for it or have done for it. I was given a cardiac scan of my heart area for something and the scan 'accidentally' picked up that I have a hiatal hernia (totally unrelated to cardiac issues). I want to know what has worked for others. Yes, I have a doctor but feedback from actual patients is beneficial as well. I am not looking for medical advice for my own situation, just wondering about what has worked or not worked for you. Thanks.

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Mine is also small, but my LES is wide open. I take a ppi in the morning and a famotidine in the evening. When I told my gastro I wasn't interested in surgery that is so uncertain for many, he pretty much said fine and never contacted me again. I am going to ask for another endoscopy in Jan. Then it's been 2 years since my last.

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I read about LES on a site that meds for relaxation, like Xanax or similar meds, camomile tea is not good for LES. Check this website for LES exercise, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov>pmc...Here is what the first paragraph reads:"A novel exercise is described for resistance training of the lower esophageal sphincter. Resistance is provided by gravity as food is swallowed and pushed up an incline into the stomach. The incline is established by kneeling with the head bowed lower than the stomach. After several months of daily repetitions, symptoms of gastroesophageal reflux ceased and the exercise was discontinued without relapse".


My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.

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Try Tagement. I think it is extra strength or 75 mg from Walmart. Only med that worked for me, but had to discontinue after two weeks as it caused SIBO. You might not have the side effect I had. PPIs also cause dementia.


That’s the same procedure they I had. But it certainly feels like my chest and esophagus are burnt. I haven’t had any treatments in 3 weeks. I can barely swallow anything. I force myself through the pain at least once a day to eat protein.

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There is a new procedure called Endoflip. A specialist has to do this. Dr uses a small balloon through esophagus and checks for esophagus stricture and can also see your LES and Hernia


There is a new procedure called Endoflip. A specialist has to do this. Dr uses a small balloon through esophagus and checks for esophagus stricture and can also see your LES and Hernia

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Thank you. Because I certainly feel like I’m going to have something done.


Try Tagement. I think it is extra strength or 75 mg from Walmart. Only med that worked for me, but had to discontinue after two weeks as it caused SIBO. You might not have the side effect I had. PPIs also cause dementia.

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Thanks for your reply. Was on Tagamet years ago when it first came out. Helped me a lot.


My Gastro also said if it’s small leave it alone. However my hiatal hernia has gotten larger. I’m diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus cause my hernia keeps my LES ( lower esophageal spinchter open). What t do now??? Big question. Any one out there solve this issue?

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One thing I can suggest, is strict diet. No spices, no coffee or chocolate, no red sauces, nothing oily, or sweet. Eat less meat or no meat. If you do eat meat, eat very lean meat, chew every bite 20 times, even eggs. Eat smaller meals six times during the day. Don't overeat. Drink PH water. Don't bend after eating, don't lift anything heavy, don't take muscle relaxer, if you are taking it. Sweets and fat and gluten and dairy and stree are the worse things for Hiatal Hernia. Don't eat anything that is fried. No mint or Spearmint. No garlic or onion or sodas or alcohol. No smoking. No tight fitting clothes. Make your own chicken broth. I make it and put in frig overnight and in the morning, I remove the fat from top of the broth. Lose weight. I used to be 165lbs then after diet, 130. I was doing very good, then started to eat pastries and coffee and bacon during Xmas and got very sick again and never got better till recently. I am 126 pounds now. PPIs don't work for everyone. Try Gaviscon or extra strength Gaviscon from Amazon, and Tagement extra strength. Get a prescription for a liquid medication that you can take before you eat so it covers your esophagus, like liquid Carafate. Don't eat four hours before you lay down or at night before you go to bed. Get a wedge that is 8 inches high and sleep on your left side on the wedge. Please consult a good doctor as well.


My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.

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Same age as you, Try Dr Wolfson at Mayo. I had surgery and no longer take the PPIS. I took 5K Vit d. /day when I did. Also have os. arth. If you are suggested omeprazole study the counter indications. Mine began to effect my creatine.


Same age as you, Try Dr Wolfson at Mayo. I had surgery and no longer take the PPIS. I took 5K Vit d. /day when I did. Also have os. arth. If you are suggested omeprazole study the counter indications. Mine began to effect my creatine.

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Thanks for your reply. I won’t take PPIS any more. Too many side effects. Was on pantsprazole for 14 months to heal an ulcer. That’s it for me. My sister is having kidney issues from emprazole. What kind of surgery helped you? And which Mayo Clinic you went to. Thanks


One thing I can suggest, is strict diet. No spices, no coffee or chocolate, no red sauces, nothing oily, or sweet. Eat less meat or no meat. If you do eat meat, eat very lean meat, chew every bite 20 times, even eggs. Eat smaller meals six times during the day. Don't overeat. Drink PH water. Don't bend after eating, don't lift anything heavy, don't take muscle relaxer, if you are taking it. Sweets and fat and gluten and dairy and stree are the worse things for Hiatal Hernia. Don't eat anything that is fried. No mint or Spearmint. No garlic or onion or sodas or alcohol. No smoking. No tight fitting clothes. Make your own chicken broth. I make it and put in frig overnight and in the morning, I remove the fat from top of the broth. Lose weight. I used to be 165lbs then after diet, 130. I was doing very good, then started to eat pastries and coffee and bacon during Xmas and got very sick again and never got better till recently. I am 126 pounds now. PPIs don't work for everyone. Try Gaviscon or extra strength Gaviscon from Amazon, and Tagement extra strength. Get a prescription for a liquid medication that you can take before you eat so it covers your esophagus, like liquid Carafate. Don't eat four hours before you lay down or at night before you go to bed. Get a wedge that is 8 inches high and sleep on your left side on the wedge. Please consult a good doctor as well.

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Thanks for some very good advice. I lost weight too because of back problems. Have arthritis too. I’m about 118 now. No gluten or milk. I have a bed that goes up like a hospital bed at home. I know it when I eat something I shouldn’t. I don’t get heartburn though. My reflux is mostly silent.


Thanks for your reply. I won’t take PPIS any more. Too many side effects. Was on pantsprazole for 14 months to heal an ulcer. That’s it for me. My sister is having kidney issues from emprazole. What kind of surgery helped you? And which Mayo Clinic you went to. Thanks

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FL Mayo, Dr Edwards did the surgery. Dr Wollson was the GI. I had dealt with this for 14 yrs. Omeprazole 2x/day. I had a couple of radio active ablations, numerous endoscopy's ,dysplasia at various times, schotzy ring, the hernia can change sizes but it won't go away. At the time of surgery it was large!! Omeprazole effected bone loss and most recently my creatine levels. The entire team of surgical people and the GI department were so wonderful. If you continue to have bad gerd you must do something to alleviate the problem.

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