Week 3 post TKR

Posted by amytro @amytro, Feb 24, 2019

Good morning! I am looking for folks to share their experience of the third week post-TKR. The first two weeks were very hard but I feel like I've turned a corner in week 3. Flexion is 113 and extension is 0. Still using pain meds on a regular schedule. PT is getting less excruciating, sleeping positions easier, etc. I'm now pretty much on the cane only, using the walker only to get me out of the shower. Does this sound right to others? Are you about in the same place? Mostly I'm interested in if you are still using the meds. I still need them!

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It is truly nice to hear good tkr story …let’s face on this site most of us have our issues …. But that is awesome I am so happy going well keep up the good work ….

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Thank you. I am very grateful my surgery, which was robotic, went so well. At this point, honestly it’s my knee that is extremely stiff especially in the morning. I feel moist heat helps the most at this time either with the shower and moist heating pad or both. Ice of course after PT, exercising at home and before bed.
Each day presents new challenges just trying my best to remain positive.


I’m slightly past my third week post surgery. Surgery was beautiful and afterwards 2nd day I went home and basically took care of myself, which was very difficult the first week. After the first week each day, there is much improvement. For the past week or so I’ve been just using the cane to ambulate and really don’t even need a cane at this point. I couldn’t wait to be off all medication. I am now only on Aspirin 81 mg twice daily for a total of the first month and Celebrex, the surgeon wanted me on it twice a day, but I could not tolerate that so I’m only on it once a day no later than 12 noon or it will keep me awake at night. Took pain med for the first week as needed now only taking the Oxycodone 5 mg before physical therapy. I am doing outpatient therapy three times a week and after the third week I’m going to be doing aqua therapy which im very much looking forward to.

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Great job! Stick with it!


Thank you. I am very grateful my surgery, which was robotic, went so well. At this point, honestly it’s my knee that is extremely stiff especially in the morning. I feel moist heat helps the most at this time either with the shower and moist heating pad or both. Ice of course after PT, exercising at home and before bed.
Each day presents new challenges just trying my best to remain positive.

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I had robotic assisted TKR as well. Each day, and if you are doing your exercises 3x/day, the pain and stiffness should start to recede. After week 1, most of my pain just came from trying to flex my knee and encountering resistance, which is a bit painful. It got better each day, but ya gotta stick with pt and doing the exercises at home. It's worth it.


I’m slightly past my third week post surgery. Surgery was beautiful and afterwards 2nd day I went home and basically took care of myself, which was very difficult the first week. After the first week each day, there is much improvement. For the past week or so I’ve been just using the cane to ambulate and really don’t even need a cane at this point. I couldn’t wait to be off all medication. I am now only on Aspirin 81 mg twice daily for a total of the first month and Celebrex, the surgeon wanted me on it twice a day, but I could not tolerate that so I’m only on it once a day no later than 12 noon or it will keep me awake at night. Took pain med for the first week as needed now only taking the Oxycodone 5 mg before physical therapy. I am doing outpatient therapy three times a week and after the third week I’m going to be doing aqua therapy which im very much looking forward to.

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How old are you?


Thank you. I am very grateful my surgery, which was robotic, went so well. At this point, honestly it’s my knee that is extremely stiff especially in the morning. I feel moist heat helps the most at this time either with the shower and moist heating pad or both. Ice of course after PT, exercising at home and before bed.
Each day presents new challenges just trying my best to remain positive.

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Congratulations @missbea, it is so wonderful to receive such a positive post. Although it is natural for a forum to receive many more critical or negative responses, please remember that over time.....thousands of folks will have read your positive TKR surgery response.

About your resistant knee. Please remember that the actual knee mechanism is surrounded by tissue, fascia, ligament, muscle, and liquids. It may also have some scar tissue. Everything heals at different times and responds to different supportive efforts.

I want to share a post with you. This video, "Strolling Under the Skin" will give you a pretty good idea of what your knee might look like now. Keep up the great work and I would appreciate an update when you are ready.

May you be safe, protected and free of inner and outer harm.


Congratulations @missbea, it is so wonderful to receive such a positive post. Although it is natural for a forum to receive many more critical or negative responses, please remember that over time.....thousands of folks will have read your positive TKR surgery response.

About your resistant knee. Please remember that the actual knee mechanism is surrounded by tissue, fascia, ligament, muscle, and liquids. It may also have some scar tissue. Everything heals at different times and responds to different supportive efforts.

I want to share a post with you. This video, "Strolling Under the Skin" will give you a pretty good idea of what your knee might look like now. Keep up the great work and I would appreciate an update when you are ready.

May you be safe, protected and free of inner and outer harm.

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Thank you I’m taking one day at a time trying my best towards my recovery. Difficult at times but reminding myself I have to be patient this is a long road ahead of me and of course with the help of the higher power i am healing.

In reply to @mercuryrose "How old are you?" + (show)

How old are you?

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Well, I don’t usually divulge that. I am 66 years young. Quite honestly I feel like I’m in my 30s.


Congratulations @missbea, it is so wonderful to receive such a positive post. Although it is natural for a forum to receive many more critical or negative responses, please remember that over time.....thousands of folks will have read your positive TKR surgery response.

About your resistant knee. Please remember that the actual knee mechanism is surrounded by tissue, fascia, ligament, muscle, and liquids. It may also have some scar tissue. Everything heals at different times and responds to different supportive efforts.

I want to share a post with you. This video, "Strolling Under the Skin" will give you a pretty good idea of what your knee might look like now. Keep up the great work and I would appreciate an update when you are ready.

May you be safe, protected and free of inner and outer harm.

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Fascinating stuff Chris, thank you!


Well, I don’t usually divulge that. I am 66 years young. Quite honestly I feel like I’m in my 30s.

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I'm a 68 y/o male and former marathoner. Since my TKRs, I work out everyday (ironically, running is one thing I cannot do) and I feel 30 years younger as well. Good for you!!!!!


I'm just past the 2 week mark and am making little progress. My home PT chastised me for not putting the work in and told me I should be on a cane by now. I am sleep depraved, nauseated, can't eat, barely drink, dehydrated from over a week of diarrhea, hot and cold flashes but no fever, weak, and dizzy. How can I put the work in when I'm so sick? Now I'm terrified that I have ruined my recovery. Will I be able to recover 100%? My home health nurse says I have a bug. She took the staples out and the incision looks good, so there isn't an infection. Not sure what to do. I only had oxycodone for the first week but am taking Methocarbam 750 MG every 6 hours. It is a muscle relaxant.

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