← Return to New to Prostate Cancer with a boatload of questions, but who to ask?

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Not meant to be heartless, but he does need to calm down and learn to avoid conspiracy rabbit holes. He claims to have lots of questions but asks none. He claims to know more than the Mayo doctors but does not say what he knows. Complains about a "gang of doctors" who make up the PSA rules to harm us all and also calls for mandatory PSA testing. And then he never returns. We all live under some "percentage" rule ("you have an 80% chance of living another five years" etc.)

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Replies to "Not meant to be heartless, but he does need to calm down and learn to avoid..."

“ He claims to know more than the Mayo doctors but does not say what he knows.”
I did not read where he says he is smarter than the doctors. But there are a bunch of bad urologists out there. Ive met them.

“Complains about a gang of doctors who make up the PSA rules to harm us”
Yes, a gang/group of doctors at the top do make up the rules that all of the lower docs must follow. One of their guidelines says to not check mens PSA. Just read the posts. There are many here who report their first PSA and its like 60 and they are already metastatic.

“and also calls for mandatory PSA testing. “
I agree (see above). PSA should be standard with every routine blood panel for middle aged men and above.
PSA tests are very cheap.
Why would you not look?

Hi, I was on vacation for a week ✌️ and I enjoyed every minute of it ✌️
I never once said I was smarter than any doctor anywhere !!! Except maybe my PCP who believes in not ordering PSA testing !! Given the FACT that 1 out of every 9 men will get prostate cancer it’s a no brainer to test every single male starting at at age 50 !! So yes he is stupid and I’m not !!!
And here’s what I know about the group of doctors who make up the rules for doctors regarding PSA testing !!! A group of 10 doctors make the rules regarding PSA testing and NOT 1 is a CANCER doctor nor Urologist!!! Now think about that !! I was told this by my Radiation Oncologist who attends Seminars and speaks at seminars on a regular basis. He is in The Know when it comes to who is making up these stupid rules regarding PSA testing !! But there’s No Doubt in my mind that if any male in that group of 10 doctors are 50 or older they have had a PSA test !!! They aren’t stupid but money talks and it costs people their lives !!
So this is where Insurance Companies come into play !!! You can believe whatever you want ✌️ But insurance companies ( of every type ) make the rules !!! And pay doctors, lawyers ( Workers Compensation is a prime example of this !! ) I know because I went down that route and it’s the Biggest scam I have ever seen !! ) Doctors getting paid by insurance companies on one side and doctors getting retained and paid by lawyers and your settlement on the other !! Another example is Women’s mammograms as it took years to get them to be mandatory once a year because insurance companies said no until so many women were getting and dieing from breast cancer they had no choice to pay for them !!
Opioids are another example that were being pushed by pharmaceutical companies and Doctors were giving them out like Halloween candy , why because doctors were getting huge kickbacks for being the Pushers and the more they pushed the more money they got !!
Here’s a Question ??? Why no Mandatory PSA testing but yet now we Cologard who causes great fear in many people because they come back with a positive hit for colon cancer and after Bloodwork and a Very Delightful Colonoscopy they find there is No Cancer !! But yet PSA testing isn’t recommended because it can cause unnecessary testing ???
Bottom line is the old saying Money Talks is a very true statement and this is causing many, many deaths including my own !! So Yes, I know these things are True !! And I know more ✌️