Yes! Absolutely! And makes me so irritated, mad and frustrated at the lack of attention to important AND significant health-related detail!
At my first dr's visit with a new doctor for me I fot the visit notes at the end of the visit and scanned them, and saw several inaccuracies. The one I recall the most was that (incorrectly) I was a smoker - wrong!!! Not me! ...could affect many things, right? - like insurance rates, and who knows what else?
I pointed it out (politely, of course) and it was removed. But how many people don't read/review these notes? [A lot] ...And what else has been incorrectly/inaccurately put into my record that I may never see but could have impacts? [I, and others, will never know!]
I have come to - with the exception of one upsetting visit - greatly respect my PCP, aside from these mistakes, but there is such a fundamental need for trust in this doctor-patient relationship, and unfortunately - like many, many aspects of our daily lives - this trust is damaged, not cared for, and eventually lost.
The struggle for trust, authenticity and conscientious behavior goes on ...
Another reason why it is important to read Doctor's notes on MyChart - and thank goodness we have them now, because who knows how many inaccuracies in the past!!!
I like to respond in MyChart with the corrections - then I have it in writing also. And I will tell the Doctor as well.
I have a complex clinical picture now so it is a real challenge for any doctor to stay up to speed. And when there are mistakes in your records, downstream someone could make a decision that is wrong for you.