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Hiatal Hernia

Digestive Health | Last Active: Aug 3, 2023 | Replies (76)

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My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.

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Replies to "My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new..."

I have a hiatal hernia and GERD as a result too. Taking PPI certainly is worrisome, but for me that is a necessary evil. I take my PPI capsule -30mg. Lanzoprazole (generic Prevacid) at bedtime because that is when my GERD can be the worst. Have the top of my bed on risers and that helps too, as does not eating after 9:00 p.m. the latest, no matter what time I go to bed. Usually I get to bed around midnight.

try h2 blocker medications or others before PPI. But, if you do need the PPI to prevent esophageal cancer you can take it and treat the osteoporosis that could be caused by it.

Try Tagement. I think it is extra strength or 75 mg from Walmart. Only med that worked for me, but had to discontinue after two weeks as it caused SIBO. You might not have the side effect I had. PPIs also cause dementia.

Same age as you, Try Dr Wolfson at Mayo. I had surgery and no longer take the PPIS. I took 5K Vit d. /day when I did. Also have os. arth. If you are suggested omeprazole study the counter indications. Mine began to effect my creatine.