My son 42 yrs. old. non stopping nose bleeds. Had surgery aprox. [...]

Posted by marla80 @marla80, Mar 29, 2016

My son 42 yrs. old. non stopping nose bleeds. Had surgery aprox. two months ago. Doc had to cut bone to get area to corterize? I believe. 3/262016 another NON STOpping nose bleed. Do not know what Dr. did to stop. Has to have X RAYS. First time blood count w as 6 this time 10.
My question . Could this be an indication of some serious desease? ailment? Anyone had such experience.

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Hi @marla80, and welcome to Connect. I'm Alyse, and I'm one of the community moderators here. I'm sorry to hear about your son's frequent and heavy nose bleeds. Have you talked with your son's surgeon or primary doctor regarding this?

I found some information on self-care and prevention for frequent nose bleeds that I think you may find helpful (


Go to to read about it. Nosebleeds are very common.<br />
<br />
Nancy Shermoen<br />

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