Hiatal Hernia

Posted by cantbelievethis @cantbelievethis, Jul 13, 2023

I would love to hear commentary from people who have a hiatal hernia and what you do for it or have done for it. I was given a cardiac scan of my heart area for something and the scan 'accidentally' picked up that I have a hiatal hernia (totally unrelated to cardiac issues). I want to know what has worked for others. Yes, I have a doctor but feedback from actual patients is beneficial as well. I am not looking for medical advice for my own situation, just wondering about what has worked or not worked for you. Thanks.

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Alzheimer’s Disease (as opposed to dementia, I think).


My Gastro also said if it’s small leave it alone. However my hiatal hernia has gotten larger. I’m diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus cause my hernia keeps my LES ( lower esophageal spinchter open). What t do now??? Big question. Any one out there solve this issue?


My Gastro also said if it’s small leave it alone. However my hiatal hernia has gotten larger. I’m diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus cause my hernia keeps my LES ( lower esophageal spinchter open). What t do now??? Big question. Any one out there solve this issue?

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@nanny23 - Seek a second opinion …? I am surprised your current gastroenterologist has let the situation get this far and not done anything to prevent your getting Barrett’s esophagus.


@nanny23 - Seek a second opinion …? I am surprised your current gastroenterologist has let the situation get this far and not done anything to prevent your getting Barrett’s esophagus.

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My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.


@nanny23 - Seek a second opinion …? I am surprised your current gastroenterologist has let the situation get this far and not done anything to prevent your getting Barrett’s esophagus.

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My current Gastro got a promotion to a top job in the hospital. I already had Barrett’s esophagus when I first saw him. Was referred to him. Having a rough time finding a new one.


My Gastro also said if it’s small leave it alone. However my hiatal hernia has gotten larger. I’m diagnosed with Barrett’s esophagus cause my hernia keeps my LES ( lower esophageal spinchter open). What t do now??? Big question. Any one out there solve this issue?

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Mine is also small, but my LES is wide open. I take a ppi in the morning and a famotidine in the evening. When I told my gastro I wasn't interested in surgery that is so uncertain for many, he pretty much said fine and never contacted me again. I am going to ask for another endoscopy in Jan. Then it's been 2 years since my last.


My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.

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I have a hiatal hernia and GERD as a result too. Taking PPI certainly is worrisome, but for me that is a necessary evil. I take my PPI capsule -30mg. Lanzoprazole (generic Prevacid) at bedtime because that is when my GERD can be the worst. Have the top of my bed on risers and that helps too, as does not eating after 9:00 p.m. the latest, no matter what time I go to bed. Usually I get to bed around midnight.


My GERD was silent only had pain. Also ulcers. I’m having a problem finding a new Gastro. My drs. Want to prescribe PPIS they cause bone loss. I’m a 73 old woman with osteo arthritis all over. Don’t need a medicine to make it worse.

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try h2 blocker medications or others before PPI. But, if you do need the PPI to prevent esophageal cancer you can take it and treat the osteoporosis that could be caused by it.


try h2 blocker medications or others before PPI. But, if you do need the PPI to prevent esophageal cancer you can take it and treat the osteoporosis that could be caused by it.

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Thanks. I am on an H2 blocker. Famotadine. My last endoscopy showed improvement so confused why the replacement dr. Wanted me on PPI for life.


My current Gastro got a promotion to a top job in the hospital. I already had Barrett’s esophagus when I first saw him. Was referred to him. Having a rough time finding a new one.

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Dr Wolfson at Mayo and the best surgeon would be Dr Edwards!!!

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