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Pancreatic cancer relapse

Pancreatic Cancer | Last Active: Nov 1, 2023 | Replies (69)

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Your mention of radiation supports my earlier post (somewhere on the board--here? I don't remember) that treatment options seem to vary so widely depending on which MD you see. I don't qualify for surgery and am stage 4 based on a visual check during laparoscopy. I've never been offered radiation therapy. What stage were you when you were diagnosed? It may be that radiation is reserved for patients whose cancer is limited to one site and hasn't metastasized.

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Replies to "Your mention of radiation supports my earlier post (somewhere on the board--here? I don't remember) that..."

I was stage 3 but it was localized and had not spread. I don’t know the answer to your question but I would ask your oncologist. Good luck.

I have stage 4 (liver) and had SBRT . Liver now seems clear but oncologist won’t reclassify me to stage 3. That eliminates me from many clinical trials as well as surgery

I am stage 4 with metastasis. Found an article about high dose radiation. Not all high dose radiation is the same and not many places offer the treatment I had. I went to Memorial Sloan Kettering in NYC/Dr Christopher Crane for 3 weeks of daily CT guided radiation . It’s been almost 5 mos and I’m feeling really good and hopeful my follow up appt in a couple weeks goes well.

No one offered me radiation. I found the research and kept bringing it up to doctors. Finally made the call myself. Treatment seems to vary so drastically for this cancer. You really have to do all the research and ask questions constantly. It’s exhausting…but it’s the only chance we have.