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MAC nodules

MAC & Bronchiectasis | Last Active: Jul 27, 2023 | Replies (54)

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Hi all….
I went to Dr Swenson yesterday, first time.
I had gone to National Jewish Health a few weeks ago. Got a complete work up test-wise. I thought the experience there would quell all my questions and fears, but it did not. Although I did get some help, it fell short in informing me where my disease REALLY STANDS. I HATE TO SAY THIS ABOUT THEM, but it’s the truth. Sooo, I decided to go to Dr Swenson, who is a Mac/ Bronk specialist in Atlanta…an hour and a half from me. He’s really got a fabulous reputation! Totally specializes. Mac. Bronchiestasis!
The visit was fruitful on many levels. I loved him. He’s smart, dedicated and EXPLAINS THE TRUTH. IN DETAIL.
I HAVE BEEN GETTING A LOT OF RIB PAIN NOT JUST IN FRONT, BUT ON THE SIDES. I assumed it’s my costochondritis…..only worse, than I ever have had in 40 years. Also fibromyalgia too…..same scenario. Long story short…..
He said he was concerned about the Mac. That the Bronk was kinda mild, but the Mac is kinda extensive and he attributes my recent extra pain and shortness of breath to extreme inflammation from this Mac.
He said that fortunately, it shows no cavities ( yet), no bleeding, no coughing up blood, which can be expected if the disease, in my case goes untreated down the line.
His recommendation is that I start off, VERY SLOW AND CONSERVATIVELY on Azithroymin and the second med…I’ll look up the name. Firstly, it would be three times a week, not every day day. I would have an Opthomologist examine my eyes every three months.. the first exam would be a baseline visit. Then he will have something to compare with in future visits. I explained to him how I react to meds.. he really gets it.
He said he will be there for me me. EVERY STEP OF THE WAY. if I can’t tolerate them we will discuss and come up with solutions. He said ‘I’m going to watch you very carefully’.

If I do not do this, he said… my disease will most likely progress and then I will be in a position where I will HAVE TO TAKE THE HARSH MED ALSO, THE THIRD ONE.
After listening to him, and in my particular case, I MUST DO THIS or I could become a very sick girl. Progression.
He has many many patients using the the two…….he said. I heard from a friend that he is actually conducting a clinical trial with the two for people in my stage.
So I will start meds…slowly and small doses and with a lot of supervision from Dr Swenson. I’m very scared and have to adjust now.
I really think he was being totally honest, authentic and caring.

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Replies to "Hi all…. I went to Dr Swenson yesterday, first time. I had gone to National Jewish..."

Well good for you Bonnie! Good luck! It is a good doctor who understands anxiety and patients with MAC.