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@jwkelly72 Oncologists have the tough job of trying to do everything they can in order to save our lives. Unfortunately because cancer is a formidable force the disease requires an equally aggressive treatment. Most cancer chemo is designed to kill or inhibit fast growing cancer cells and it can’t always be selected. Many cells in our bodies are also fast growing cells so there can be some unintended collateral damage. But it is all that’s available to us now if targeted biologics aren’t a good fit.
I don’t really feel that oncologists downplay the side effects. They are pragmatic and let us know what to expect with immediate issues. But no one can predict who may or may not be susceptible to a secondary disease many years later. Most of us with cancer, without treatment, will pass on prematurely. So in some cases it becomes a risk/reward scenario. Live to fight another day…

If you’re in the position to require chemo, you’re already facing a life threatening or life changing condition. That’s a given… So the chemo may change your life for the better. I don’t think anyone is fond of chemo treatments but they can be absolutely necessary for some of us in an effort to rid our bodies of cancer cells and to buy us precious time. In my case, had I not gone through the rigorous chemo treatments and a bone marrow transplant I wouldn’t be here. The side effects, though unpleasant, were short lived. And those I did have were a very small price to pay for now being able to live a full and happy life. I’ve been alive 4 more years than I would have been. I’m now 69 and counting on at least 20 more years!

Keep in mind, one of the greatest side effects of chemo is the possibility that the chemo will keep us in a durable remission and give us many more happy years with friends and family…and hair grows back. ☺️

What options are in front of you if you don’t choose to receive the chemo treatments?

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Replies to "@jwkelly72 Oncologists have the tough job of trying to do everything they can in order to..."

I believe these days doctors and nurses do not want to say anything they don't have to either because of indifference or making sure they cover their backsides. To leave out possible serious side effects is so wrong. If anything nasty happens then they go " go to the emergency room ." And would you risk death , permanent pain, paralysis for a treatment because I wouldn't and I m already half paralyzed. As for other options they always exist with proper research and your own experiments. The patient, victim , survivor should always be in charge of possible. And better to die if it happens bon your terms rather than others.