← Return to Continued Post-Nasal Drip and Constant Mucus in Throat

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I realllllllly shouldnt post this, because I don’t want to be a downer. But. My immunologist said my inability to swallow could be —read it: could be— from mast cell activation. She had me tested extensively, and I register as “severe”. It was such a relief to hear there might be a reason. ( did you read that I first had labs done? It’s taken 3 months to parse this all out. Please do not decide from this post that you have it. Please!!!) BUT: The next day I went to the “BIG ENT specialist” who “specializes in swallowing issues.” He said post nasal drip was an ambiguous term that doesn’t mean anything, really (?!?).
Do you want to guess what the fix was for the severe inability to swallow?? You guessed it correctly, o my long haulers of the world: I just needed REASSURANCE! From HIM. Reassurance that it is NOT an issue, that it is not something to get worried about ( read: you’re overly anxious and you are causing this). That actually? NOTHING is wrong at all. If I stop coughing ( I interrupt him, I don’t HAVE a cough) I will loosen my tight throat muscles. But either way, I just need to know that I am “Neuro-Normal, not Neuro-divergent” ( what the?).
I couldn’t get out fast enough.
And Yes, I had told his MA about the MCAS diagnosis B4 my appt. She just didn’t tell him, or it didn’t matter, or something. As I got up to leave he said— “you’re a piece of Cake “
Ugh. Bite me.

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Replies to "I realllllllly shouldnt post this, because I don’t want to be a downer. But. My immunologist..."

Also? I got Covid in March of 2020. Severe case, quarantined for almost 3 months. Swallowing started happening when I had Covid— never had it before. I asked the RN overseeing my wellness calls. She said “NO— that’s not Covid”. I’m telling you this because I’ve been searching for help since 6/20. Do not give up. There is help out there, but it’s FINDING it that has taken me years.

i wish these people could experience what we are...give them a few days or weeks...maybe then they would get it...for me it is NOT post nasal drip that is causing this thick junk in the back of my throat now for three years and seven months, my sinuses can be completely clear and i still have it, it never goes away......guess we just have to figure out how to fix it on our own...hang in there..

I agree with the MCAS (Mast Cell Activation) comment. I did NAET acupressure therapy to help with mine. Awesome results. Still having some plugged ear and drainage issues 15 months long haul. I've been to all the specialists at Mayo, have a great plan in place but this is the last thing to be addressed and no one seems to know!!!

I am so sorry this happened to you. It's frustrating when "specialists" brush you off or don't listen. You want to RUN! I was told that my throat clearing by a specialist could just be a habit and possibly I may need to go for biofeedback. I didn't say anything because I clear my throat due to all this mucousy over production of saliva since Covid and allergies. I keep hearing about MA and I am going to do my research. Going to Long Covid Recovery Clinic soon. Stay tuned... Praying for you to find answers. God Bless You!