← Return to DISH (diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis) or Forestier's

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Thank you @dishpain Not too much information around but Mayo nailed it! Excellent forum. I had my second severe “flare” at Walmart. Headache, neck, jaw, shoulder tightness, both arms numb and chills/goose flesh. Left my cart and went home to lay on a hot pad. Worked with ibuprofen, lyrics, tizanidine. I have a question for you: im the only one that noted this on my films CT/MRI. I spoke with the resident in detail (Excellent) but DISH wasn’t even mentioned. The reports came out during the night which showed several cervical and thoracic vertebrae with anterior ossification. I work IT from home and this really beats the tar out of me.

Can I ask your latest adventures? What meds work for you? Should I ask for tramadol?

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Replies to "Thank you @dishpain Not too much information around but Mayo nailed it! Excellent forum. I had..."

I go to pain management for steroid & local anesthetic injections in my spine & shoulders.
I do have confirmation in thoracic spine of DISH & have spurs in shoulders & bottom & back of feet. Other joints are painful including toes. I also have stenosis & bulging disc in lumbar spine .
I work full time in medical field. My duties at work have been amended some due to many issues including DISH amongst other issues but DISH is causing much pain.
Aqua therapy is good idea & doing exercises in water easier than in land.
I can’t take Motrin often & reserve for more severe pain & narcotics make me sick. Not much relief with skeletal muscle relaxants. I take 1000mg of Tylenol morning & night. I also take aspirin 325mg a day as part of my cardiac regimen.

Keep moving if you can. Light walking or time in pool, etc is good. You will notice that long time in chair you feel more achy. You said you do IT from home . Get up every 30 min & walk around the house, inside or out. I move frequently most of time . I find it better for me.