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"You're not the only one dealing with issues!"

Caregivers: Dementia | Last Active: Jan 30 10:11pm | Replies (62)

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Maybe my comments were a little harsh. I pretty much see black and white, no grey. Through the years I have discovered most people ask about you so they can tell you about themselves, not actually what is about you. I live where if you want it done you do it yourself. I know that at some point we will have to move to get adequate help. That means 250 to 400 miles not just across town.

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Replies to "Maybe my comments were a little harsh. I pretty much see black and white, no grey...."

in reply to @ranch I get it. I too have had the experience of people asking me how I am doing, but then the conversation quickly turns to them. I agree that if you want something done, you have to take the bull by the reins and do it yourself. I am very self sufficient, selfless and give so much of myself that it does become exhausting at times. Humanity is lacking in our society, right along with compassion and empathy towards others who may not have either the skillset, mindset or whatever to live a richer life, meaning a life where they are kind to their fellow humans.
I have had people stop me and say, "Why have you lost so much weight, You look like a Holocaust victim, you need to eat organic food, blah blah." These people do not care about me and I am fine with that, because I know where they need to be, and that is behind my back. It took me a lot of courage to tell some of these people to just "stop." Many of these people proclaim to be Christians, who wear their Christianity like a badge. I am not a believer, but I understand many take comfort in their religion, and that too is okay. However, I abhor it when people do not "walk their talk." Or rather, they think they are walking their talk.
I have committed myself to only invite those people into my life who are mentally stable, truly compassionate and have a strong sense of character, assuming they know what this means. Of course, I had to learn the hard way, being kind to the wrong people.
I am sorry about your situation and also that you have to move in an effort to get the help you need. And even then, you may have a hard time getting exactly what you need/want.
I cannot and will not offer advice because only you know what is best for yourself and whomever you care about. I can only say, that even though I do not know you, I am very sorry that you have been dealt the wrong hand, presently. I will not tell you to buckle up, but I will tell you that you strike me as someone akin to myself and that is the reason I posted my comment. The fact that you posted something is very telling, and I hope that today is a better day for you. At this stage of our lives all we have left sometimes is gratitude, but even then, life can feel like crap. Keep up the good work.

I understand you completely. I live on a ranch 180 miles to doctors. When people start telling me there troubles , I ask if I get equal time and they usually get mad and leave